Living in Sweden
Sveriges Radio
New derailment at Gällivare - traffic stopped
A train derailment has occurred outside Gällivare during Thursday morning, reports [Sveriges Radio](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/stopp-i-tagtrafiken-utanfor-gallivare-efter-ny-ursparning).
The Profile's Summer Listening: "A Bit Juicy"
Listening drought during the holiday? Here, some of the country's cultural and entertainment profiles give their best tips on podcasts, radio programs, and audiobooks to listen to this summer. .
After the commotion – this is Sigge Eklund's summer talk show
This year's most talked-about summer talk show features Sigge Eklund's most intimate portrayal of his grandfather, the actor Bengt Eklund, to date. However, those who expected scandalous material due to Eklund's "feud" with Sveriges Radio will likely be disappointed.
Chaos when Ishowspeed live-streamed in Stockholm
The American YouTube star Ishowspeed is on a tour of Europe and on Wednesday he drove around Stockholm wearing a Swedish national team jersey and live-streamed. .
Foreign Citizen Arrested for Photographing Protected Objects
A man in his 40s has been arrested, suspected of having photographed various protected objects around Sweden, reports Sveriges Radio Ekot. The man is a foreign citizen.
Fewer cinema visits so far this year
The number of cinema visits decreased by 350,000 people during the first half of 2024, compared to the same period last year, reports [Sveriges Radio](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/biobesoken-minskar-men-svenska-filmer-mildrar-fallet).
Eurovision revamped – ousted Swedish gets new boss
The Eurovision organizer EBU appointed an independent inquiry following the many controversies surrounding the latest final in Malmö. Now, changes are being announced that have been or will be implemented ahead of next year, reports Kulturnytt on Sveriges Radio.
Now the Beetle Takes to the Air Again
It took almost 50 years. But now the radio and book classic "Tordyveln flies in the twilight" becomes a TV series.
Vehicle Company Goes Bankrupt – 1,400 Employees Affected
IAC Group Sweden, which supplies components to Volvo companies and Scania, has been declared bankrupt. The company has approximately 1,400 employees in Sweden.
Employee broke girl's arm during forced care incident
An employee at the Sis-home in Långanäs broke the arm of a forcibly cared-for girl during a violent intervention. The employee has previously been investigated for gross assault.
SVT and SR banned in Russia
BBC and SR banned by Russia, reports state news agency Ria. The two Swedish public service companies are on a long list of European media outlets that are prohibited.
Radio programme censured by Review Board
P1 Documentary programme "Puberty on life and death – families' struggle for children's trans care" on Sweden's Radio is censured by the Review Board. The programme, which was broadcast in January, is deemed to have given a misleading impression of why the National Board of Health and Welfare changed its guidelines on hormone treatment for children with gender dysphoria in 2022, reports [Journalisten](https://www.
Stored drugs at parents' home – sentenced
A man in his 40s was under the influence of cocaine, amphetamine, and cannabis at the time when the police conducted a search of his parents' home. Several kilograms of drugs and over 70,000 narcotic-classified tablets were found, reports [Sweden's Radio](https://sverigesradio.
New builds counteract the government's climate initiative
Despite many wetlands being restored in Sweden, just as much of the peat bogs lose water because the areas are attractive for new construction. .
Improved Air Quality Leads to Fewer Asthma Cases in Children
Better air gives fewer children with asthma and less trouble for the children who have asthma. This emerges in a new study that is to be published in the journal Annals of the American Thoracic Society.
They Should Have Stopped the Gangs – Went on a Cultural Trip Instead
Botkyrka Council went on a study trip to New York using state funds earmarked to combat gang crime, according to an investigation by Sveriges Radio Ekot. Now the council is paying back.
Gothenburg boycotts Israeli goods
Göteborg City Council stops purchases from Israel, reports Swedish Radio Göteborg. The decision was made in the procurement and purchasing committee on Thursday following a proposal from the governing parties in Göteborg City Council – the Social Democrats, the Left Party and the Green Party – who want to stop all purchases from, among other places, Israel.
Armed teenager arrested on way to embassy - facing trial
A 15-year-old boy is being prosecuted suspected of serious weapons offences after being arrested armed with a loaded pistol in a taxi on its way to the Israeli embassy, reports Ekot on Swedish Radio. .
Healthcare Conflict: Mediators' Bid Expected Tomorrow
The medals in the healthcare conflict will present a bid for the parties on Thursday at 11 am. However, it is not known what the bid contains.
Thousands of drug packages stopped
Drugs were sent from different packaging centres, some with fake stamps. Since last winter, the police have stopped 17,000 parcels – and identified thousands of buyers.
Most Scathing Critic Among This Year's Summer Hosts
This year's "Summer" on P1 offers a surprise – one of the programme's biggest critics has been invited: the author, director, and podcaster Sigge Eklund. He has been critical of "Summer" in general and me in particular, says programme chief Bibi Rödöö.
Record-high compensation for predator attacks
Dairy farmers received a total of nearly 4 million kronor in compensation in 2023 for cattle that were killed or injured by predators. This is evident in the wildlife report from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).
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