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Inspektionen för vård och omsorg
Cooperation for new HVB placements: "Can't wait"
The Government assigns SKR the task of helping municipalities find new and better adapted HVB placements. As more and more HVB homes are being shut down, new placements are needed for children and young people living in these homes, says Social Services Minister Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party).
Circumcision reception stopped – risk to life
A doctor at a circumcision clinic in Gothenburg is stopped by the Health and Care Inspectorate (Ivo) since serious malpractices have been discovered, reports [SVT News West. ](https://www.
Emergency Department Missed Breast Cancer – Woman Died
A woman discovered a lump and felt pain in one breast, and sought emergency care at Enköping hospital in the spring of 2024. However, the doctors at the emergency department assessed that the woman had a milk stasis, and she was sent home, according to [SVT Uppsala](https://www.
Verdict: Secret list of "criminal" HVB homes
Stockholm City is not allowed to know which HVB homes are run by criminals according to the police. The Administrative Court rules that the information is confidential.
Forgotten and died – incident reported to Ivo
A user of the home care service in Malmö did not receive help with laundry and cleaning for several months. The person was later found dead in their home.
Internal Criticism of Ivo's Working Methods
Measures against unscrupulous HVB homes could have come earlier, but are delayed due to lengthy internal processes. This is stated by Ivo employees to Ekot.
The police have discovered more criminal HVB homes
During the year, 17 HVB homes have been closed – at the same time, the police have discovered even more HVB homes with criminal connections. The government now wants to support the municipalities in their search for places for the children who are waiting in line.
Residential care homes remain open – despite police warnings
The Health and Care Inspectorate (Ivo) has this year closed 16 residential care homes for young people. However, the majority of homes that the police have alerted about are still open, reports Ekot.
Doctor recommended daily beer to patient
A doctor in Norrbotten has been reported to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate, Ivo, after several medical misjudgments. Among other things, the doctor recommended a patient to drink a beer a day for problems with the bladder, writes [Norrbottens-Kuriren](https://www.
Man received wrong advice from 1177 - died at home
A man in Dalarna died in his home, two days after receiving incorrect advice from 1177. The man called in and reported that he had severe headache, neck pain, difficulty keeping his eyes open, and that he had vomited.
16 family homes closed – serious deficiencies
The Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) has made the decision to ban or revoke the permits of 16 family homes for children and adolescents so far this year. The authority has also banned or revoked the permits of three support housing facilities and three businesses that provide consultancy support.
Ivo: Thousands of vulnerable children are waiting for help
More than 3,000 children in vulnerable situations throughout Sweden have to wait far too long for approved support from social services. This is shown by a report from the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo).
Demands: Introduce 'Task Force' for HVB Homes
The Social Democrats want the government to introduce a "task force" to strengthen the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo). The purpose is to enable HVB homes with serious deficiencies to be quickly closed.
Residential care home closed – risk to children's lives
The Health and Social Care Inspectorate, Ivo, is closing a residential care home for young people in Stockholm County following repeated serious incidents at the facility, reports [P4 Stockholm](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/ivo-stanger-hvb-hem-fara-for-barnens-liv-och-halsa).
New cases of questionable hysterectomies
A chief physician in Blekinge may have incorrectly removed five uteruses – and more patients may be affected, reports SR P4 Blekinge. .
Rat Feces and Drugs in Foster Homes – Got to Continue
Knives in the rooms, rat feces and uneducated staff. On several occasions, individual police officers have reported serious irregularities at HVB homes to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo).
Hospital missed kidney cancer – patient died
Skellefteå hospital missed that a patient had contracted kidney cancer. When the patient sought care again, the cancer had spread and the patient died, reports SVT News Västerbotten.
Patient Sent Home from Emergency Room - Had a Stroke
An elderly patient sought care for sensory disturbances and motor problems but was sent home. Later the same day, the patient had a stroke, writes [VLT](https://www.
Received Wrong Catheter – Died of Sepsis
A man died after a catheter mistake in Örnsköldsvik municipality in March this year, reports [Örnsköldsviks Allehanda](https://www. allehanda.
Dog Under Beauty Procedures – Flaws Revealed
Cosmetic surgeries that have led to patients' deaths and aesthetic injection treatments that have risked causing permanent damage, such as blindness or brain damage. These are some of the very serious deficiencies that the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) has found when they, over a period of two years, have reviewed operations performing aesthetic procedures and treatments.
Dog Under Beauty Procedures – Flaws Revealed
Cosmetic surgeries that have led to patients' deaths and aesthetic injection treatments that have risked causing permanent damage, such as blindness or brain damage. These are some of the very serious deficiencies that the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) has found when they, over a period of two years, have reviewed activities that perform aesthetic procedures and treatments.
Ivo: Neglect of background checks at HVB homes
Many HVB homes do not check if the people they employ have been suspected or convicted of any crime, [reports P4 Värmland](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/halften-av-hvb-hemmen-slarvar-med-bakgrundskontrollerna).
Pulled out too many teeth – loses license
Patients have been misdiagnosed and had teeth unnecessarily extracted at a dental clinic in Gothenburg, reports Swedish Radio's Kaliber. The dentist has now lost their license.
Left Naked on the Floor at Disability Accommodation
A resident of an LSS accommodation in Luleå was left naked on the floor with injured arms by an employee. This emerges from the municipality's Lex Sarah notification to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO), reports [NSD](https://www.
Police reports
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