Living in Sweden
Inspektionen för vård och omsorg
New cases of questionable hysterectomies
A chief physician in Blekinge may have incorrectly removed five uteruses – and more patients may be affected, reports SR P4 Blekinge. .
Rat Feces and Drugs in Foster Homes – Got to Continue
Knives in the rooms, rat feces and uneducated staff. On several occasions, individual police officers have reported serious irregularities at HVB homes to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo).
Hospital missed kidney cancer – patient died
Skellefteå hospital missed that a patient had contracted kidney cancer. When the patient sought care again, the cancer had spread and the patient died, reports SVT News Västerbotten.
Patient Sent Home from Emergency Room - Had a Stroke
An elderly patient sought care for sensory disturbances and motor problems but was sent home. Later the same day, the patient had a stroke, writes [VLT](https://www.
Received Wrong Catheter – Died of Sepsis
A man died after a catheter mistake in Örnsköldsvik municipality in March this year, reports [Örnsköldsviks Allehanda](https://www. allehanda.
Dog Under Beauty Procedures – Flaws Revealed
Cosmetic surgeries that have led to patients' deaths and aesthetic injection treatments that have risked causing permanent damage, such as blindness or brain damage. These are some of the very serious deficiencies that the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) has found when they, over a period of two years, have reviewed operations performing aesthetic procedures and treatments.
Dog Under Beauty Procedures – Flaws Revealed
Cosmetic surgeries that have led to patients' deaths and aesthetic injection treatments that have risked causing permanent damage, such as blindness or brain damage. These are some of the very serious deficiencies that the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) has found when they, over a period of two years, have reviewed activities that perform aesthetic procedures and treatments.
Ivo: Neglect of background checks at HVB homes
Many HVB homes do not check if the people they employ have been suspected or convicted of any crime, [reports P4 Värmland](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/halften-av-hvb-hemmen-slarvar-med-bakgrundskontrollerna).
Pulled out too many teeth – loses license
Patients have been misdiagnosed and had teeth unnecessarily extracted at a dental clinic in Gothenburg, reports Swedish Radio's Kaliber. The dentist has now lost their license.
Left Naked on the Floor at Disability Accommodation
A resident of an LSS accommodation in Luleå was left naked on the floor with injured arms by an employee. This emerges from the municipality's Lex Sarah notification to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO), reports [NSD](https://www.
Long wait for compensation for incorrect operations
Two years after Malin Estving, due to a misdiagnosis, had her uterus and ovaries unnecessarily removed, she is still waiting for compensation. Women's healthcare needs to be prioritized, she says.
Beauty Clinic Made Fatal Mistake on Trachea – Woman Died
During a cosmetic surgery in December last year, a clinic in Solna, north of Stockholm, made a mistake about which trachea was which, reports [Mitt i](https://www. mitti.
92-year-old went blind – Ivo criticizes eye clinic
A 92-year-old woman in Ängelholm sought medical attention due to vision changes in one eye. The woman contacted them repeatedly, but did not receive an appointment for surgery until a year later.
Harsh Ivo criticism against Svea vaccine
The vaccination chain Svea Vaccin receives harsh criticism from Ivo (The Health and Social Care Inspectorate), reports [Aftonbladet](https://www. aftonbladet.
Locked in an LSS accommodation for 16 years - "I've made mistakes"
Mark Municipality is criticized by Ivo (Health and Social Care Inspectorate) for a man having lived 16 years in an LSS accommodation without being able to leave his apartment on his own, writes Borås Tidning. .
Youth Home Closed After Drug Raid
When the police raided the HVB home in Borås, a larger quantity of drugs was found. A manager at the residence was arrested and later detained on suspicion of serious drug offenses.
Three gang-linked HVB homes have been shut down
Three of the HVB homes that the police have pointed out for having criminal connections have been closed. This says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (The Moderate Party) after Thursday's meeting with Ivo, the police, and the Economic Crime Authority.
Three gang-linked HVB homes have been shut down
Three of the HVB homes that the police have pointed out for having criminal connections have been closed. This says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (The Moderate Party) after Thursday's meeting with Ivo, the police, and the Economic Crime Authority.
Camilla Waltersson Grönvall: All HVB Homes to be Inspected
The Government assigns Ivo the task of intensifying the supervision of HVB homes after this summer's alarm that some homes are run by criminals. We must work intensively to ensure that these operations are shut down, says Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party).
Young patient died – cancer mistaken for virus
A person in their 20s sought help for their mouth sores, first with a dentist and then with a healthcare center in Blekinge. There, the discomfort was deemed to be caused by a virus.
Nurse snooped into 90 patient records
A nurse at Akademiska Hospital in Uppsala opened a total of 90 journals belonging to patients he did not work with, reports [Upsala Nya Tidning. ](https://unt.
Baby Born Lifeless – Doctor Criticized
A maternity doctor at Näl hospital in Trollhättan is being criticized by Ivo after a prolonged delivery where a newborn baby may have sustained permanent injuries, reports [P4 Väst](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/barn-kan-ha-skadats-for-livet-forlossningslakare-kritiseras).
Forced to Amputate Penis – Incident Reported
A man in Gothenburg who sought help for foreskin problems was forced to amputate his penis after the cancer diagnosis was delayed for almost three years. The incident has now been reported under the Lex Maria to Ivo, the Health and Social Care Inspectorate, as a serious healthcare injury, reports [GP](https://www.
Patient Sent Home – Forced to Undergo Emergency Surgery
Nine days after a surgical operation in January, a patient was discharged from Näl hospital, despite complaining of severe abdominal pain and shortness of breath. The same evening, the patient had to be taken back to the hospital by ambulance, and it was then discovered that the intestine had ruptured, leading to an acute operation.
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