Eight-year-old Tintin was murdered by his father, who was granted visitation rights despite the son being afraid of his father.
The Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO) is now issuing sharp criticism of Luleå Municipality and is highlighting serious deficiencies in the social services' actions.
We have been waiting for this investigation for a long time. I believe that Luleå has failed and that there is much they could have done differently. Now we see in black and white that Luleå has failed in its actions, says Tintin's mother Sanam Gharaee to Dagens Nyheter.
It was in January 2023 that the boy was found dead in a residence in Luleå, after having had visitation with his father. The boy was found after his mother became worried and contacted the police.
IVO notes, among other things, that Luleå Municipality did not conduct a risk assessment of the father's violent tendencies before he was granted visitation rights with the boy. Nor was the boy's own expressed fear of his father taken into account.
Sanam Gharaee hopes that Luleå Municipality will learn from the case and the criticism.
IVO's statement changes nothing, Tintin is already dead. My hope is that this will facilitate decision-making for case workers and family secretaries in the future.
The then 46-year-old father was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Tintin. The case sparked a popular movement for a "lex Tintin", a legislative change that takes greater account of children's rights and stops forced visitation with parents.