According to Ekot, there have been deficiencies in how the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (Ivo) has handled police reports of serious misconduct at HVB homes.
According to employees within Ivo who Ekot has spoken to, unscrupulous HVB homes could have been closed earlier. They believe that the agency's management has, for several years, hindered their own inspectors from quickly responding to alarms about misconduct, as decisions have to be handled in a prolonged process involving managers and lawyers.
The lengthy handling is said to have led to tough demands for action being left pending for so long that they had to start from scratch.
Ivo's supervisory chief Peder Carlsson tells Ekot that the change in working method has been about achieving more legally secure decisions.
Up until December 6 this year, Ivo has made decisions to ban or revoke the permits of 16 HVB operations. The agency has also banned or revoked the permits of three support housing facilities and three operations providing consultant support.