Living in Sweden
Identified after mass shooting soon to be named
The deceased man suspected of the worst mass shooting in Swedish history is likely to be identified on Friday, also formally. The 35-year-old who is pointed out is described as a loner who has lived an isolated life without income for the last ten years.
Nail Salons Reported to the Police – After Inspection
Extensive deficiencies in work environment, human exploitation, and suspected crimes against the Aliens Act. This was discovered by Swedish authorities in a large review of nail care salons conducted at the end of last year.
Debt common among suspected of childcare fraud
16 percent of all sickness benefit applications contain errors and it is foreign-born individuals, persons with low income and individuals with debts to the Enforcement Authority who are somewhat overrepresented in terms of providing incorrect information to the Social Insurance Agency. .
Convicted Spy Kia to Pay Tax on Russian Salary
The life-sentenced spy Peyman Kia is facing a tax blow. The Administrative Court of Appeal rules that he must pay tax on the million compensation from the Russian intelligence service GRU, reports TV4 News.
The Social Democrats demand a plan to stop the explosions
The Social Democrats are demanding an action plan by the end of the week from the government to stop the wave of explosions. The Social Democrats also want to fast-track legislation on secret surveillance of children.
After the Violence: Strömmer Calls for Meeting
Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) is summoning the council against organized crime to a meeting on Thursday due to the escalated wave of violence, the government announces. .
Lower taxes for venture capitalists: "Grotesque"
According to a new proposal from the government's investigator, venture capitalists will get a reduced tax. The money is, according to the proposal, to come from increased tax on beer and snuff.
Billionaires can get lower taxes
Sweden's richest venture capitalists have long been at odds with the Tax Authority over billions. On Tuesday, the government's investigator is expected to propose that the rules be changed in their favor.
Wanted for large-scale fraud scheme, extradition requested
A Danish man in his 40s has been requested to be extradited to Sweden. The man, who was arrested in the United Arab Emirates, is suspected of having been involved in a number of serious frauds, reports [Ekot](https://www.
The Government wants to ban IPTV – prohibition is being investigated
The Film Inquiry gets extended time – the investigator is now also to come up with proposals on whether illegal so-called ip-tv can be banned. The money goes straight into the pockets of criminals, says Minister of Culture Parisa Liljestrand (The Moderate Party).
Buttericks Files for Bankruptcy
The party supply store Buttericks, with over 120 years of history in Stockholm, is applying for bankruptcy, the company announced in a press release. "We would have liked to continue," says CEO Therese Carlsson.
These are the most popular names for newborns
The trend is still clear. Newborn girls are given short, classic names – boys are given names with an Anglo-Saxon touch.
Stop Cheating – Register Passengers in Taxis
Fraud within the taxi industry is to be stopped through a range of new measures, proposes the Social Democrats. .
Brother of gang criminal worked at court
The brother of a man who has been identified as one of the leaders within the criminal Foxtrot network has been employed for several years at the Tax Agency and subsequently at Kalmar District Court, reports [P4 Kalmar](https://www. sverigesradio.
Nils van der Poel changes his name
Three years ago, he was Sweden's hottest sports name. Now, he chooses to focus on entrepreneurship – and a new surname.
Former Porn King Berth Milton Debt-Free
He had debts of half a billion kronor. Now Berth Milton, former owner of the porn conglomerate Private Media Group, says he is debt-free since his debt to the Tax Agency has been prescribed.
Many municipalities lack fitness hour
An overwhelming majority of Sweden's municipalities do not give employees the right to take out a fitness hour to be able to exercise during working hours, according to Akademikerförbundet SSR. Moreover, there are large differences in the size of the annual fitness allowance.
Now the sock must be sorted correctly - new laws 2025
New year and new laws – from January 1, you will no longer be allowed to throw away your discarded old socks in household waste. It will become harder to cheat on sick leave and in courts, anonymous testimony will be permitted.
Financial Intelligence Centre to be Established
The police, the Tax Agency, and the Economic Crime Authority are tasked by the government to establish a financial intelligence centre, to combat, for example, money laundering and fraud. > In order to tackle the profit-driven activities within criminality, the interaction between different actors must become more effective, says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (The Moderate Party).
The Government: This is how the premium pension will grow
The Government wants to strengthen the premium pension and assigns the Pensions Agency to review the distribution of pension rights. The purpose is to increase the return for pension savers.
The Horror Discovery: 90 Strangers Registered at the Cottage
Without the woman's knowledge, a number of unknown people signed themselves into her summer cottage in Huddinge outside Stockholm. It didn't take long before there were 90 of them, she says to the newspaper Mitt i.
ViaPlay has tax debts of 250 million kronor
ViaPlay is struggling with tax debts related to the pandemic, reports Dagens Media. According to the newspaper, four of the group's companies have debts of over 250 million kronor.
Double electricity discount in the north: "Almost mocking"
The price differences for electricity between southern Sweden and Norrland are often enormous – with significantly lower prices in the north. Yet, large parts of Norrland have a discount on electricity tax.
Daughter kept hidden – parents take legal action in court
An adult daughter has been isolated from her parents - by her trustee. Now the parents are demanding their right to family life according to the European Convention for Human Rights.
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