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EU and Nato: Limit Russian Freedom of Movement

Ousted right-wing leader goes to work as usual

Ousted right-wing leader goes to work as usual

Russian money guarantees new billions to Ukraine

Russian money guarantees new billions to Ukraine


Relatives: Hostage was abused and dehydrated


Frozen assets burning issue at G7 meeting

War Emissions: Equivalent to 90 Million Cars per Year

War Emissions: Equivalent to 90 Million Cars per Year

Millions of animals killed by extreme weather phenomenon

Millions of animals killed by extreme weather phenomenon


Cargo Ship Attacked in the Red Sea


Multiple injuries in new protests in Armenia

Friends killed - now the survivors take their exams

Friends killed - now the survivors take their exams

Germany to Introduce Compulsory Military Registration

Germany to Introduce Compulsory Military Registration


Demands and Battles After the EU Election


Three men sentenced for murder of renowned journalist in Amsterdam

India demands Russia sends home recruited citizens

India demands Russia sends home recruited citizens

Russia to Denmark: Release suspected spy

Russia to Denmark: Release suspected spy


Expert: Report on war crimes puts pressure on USA