The violent incidents occurred at a high school in the small town of Spisská Stará Ves and the suspected perpetrator is a student, reports the newspaper Korzár. He is said to have attacked at least two schoolmates and a 52-year-old woman in the school staff. The police were alerted around 1 pm on Thursday.
The woman and one student are reported to have died from their injuries. For a third person, the injuries are described as life-threatening and it has not yet been communicated whether there are more injured.
The police went out early and searched for an 18-year-old man who was said to have fled from the school after the attack. A warning was issued to the public, but shortly thereafter it was reported that a suspected perpetrator had been arrested.
Slovakia's Interior Minister Matús Sutaj Estok expresses condolences via social media and says he is on his way to the town along with the Education Minister and the country's police chief.
Spisská Stará Ves is located centrally in northern Slovakia, near the border with Poland.