The World Championship has offered rain, heavy wet snow, and plus degrees. And soon a severe storm is moving in over Trondheim.
We're really getting all kinds of weather except sun and minus degrees. It'll be interesting to see if it gets so bad that you have to cancel or postpone. It depends on how bad it gets tonight, says Byström.
The forecast says that winds of up to 27 meters per second are expected in the villages during the morning and around 22 during the late morning and early afternoon.
In the first instance, however, a decision has been made to start the relay later – at 2:00 pm instead of 12:30, which was the original plan.
The organizer not only has to consider the athletes, but also the safety of the audience. There is no fixed wind speed for cancellation. Instead, a comprehensive assessment is made.
I think the organizer will monitor it closely and we'll probably get a message tomorrow morning, says Byström.
The national team manager believes that the men's relay will still take place as planned.
I think they'll go ahead with it. It would take a lot to cancel, with all the sold-out tickets and all. But if it becomes dangerous, you have to cancel.