Hanna Öberg looked strong on the track from the start and showed proof of good focus on the range with zero misses in the first three shootings.
It was thus set for victory in this week's first competition in Slovenia. But the very last shot was missed and she left the stadium as third.
I'm a bit disappointed about the missed last shot. I could just as well have hit it. I would probably have shot it directly and not fiddled with it so much. But I still hit 19 shots, and I shouldn't be that disappointed about it, she says to SVT and continues:
It's clear that I think about the four zeros, and I know I can do it too. But it was there I maybe lost focus on here and now.
"Tough and fighting"
The last kilometers before the finish line, Öberg continued her fine skiing in the tough conditions – affected by the recent weather conditions – and could pass German World Cup leader Franziska Preuss (third in the end) in terms of time.
It thus became a second place, the second in a week.
Really nice, and today I feel like I manage to keep focus on my own. It was tough and fighting out on the track, but I got indications that I skied well. Then it really felt like I was in the race.
It's clear that it's more fun to compete when it goes well.
Rabbling mental math
Today's short distance competition was a fine one with Swedish eyes.
Anna-Karin Heijdenberg achieved a personal best in the World Cup with a fourth place.
It sounds like a win, so cool, says the 24-year-old to SVT.
I had no control over the times. I just wanted to do a good shooting and be alert in my head. So, on the last hill before the range, I rabble mental math, to convince myself that I was alert and present. Which worked.
Tough for Halvarsson
Anna Magnusson finished eighth, after full shooting.
It went worse for distance Cup third Ella Halvarsson, who shot three misses and was five minutes behind winner Julia Simon.
The next competition for the biathlon ladies is the mass start on Saturday.