Tens of thousands, mainly girls, are exposed to this every year, cannot decide who they want to live with, are locked up, exposed to violence and cannot decide over their own lives, says Education Minister Lotta Edholm (L).
The Tidö parties point to problems in schools, such as children not being allowed to play with whom they want, not being allowed to wear shorts in the summer, not being allowed to accompany someone to the swimming pool, or that small children in preschool are not allowed to sleep next to someone of the opposite sex during nap time.
The investigation will, among other things, map the occurrence of honor-related violence and oppression in preschool, school, and leisure activities. But also how common it is with a culture of silence and that honor norms are upheld by the staff.
Opens up for dismissals
Exactly how such a mapping should be done cannot be answered.
The investigator will have to think it through. Several mappings have been done at the local level, and it's probably a good idea to look at them, says the Education Minister.
The investigator will also propose measures to counteract the culture of silence, and how staff can get more support in detecting and counteracting honor oppression. Today, far too few reports of concern are made from preschool and school, according to the Tidö parties – who do not want the staff to hesitate.
One reason may be fear of threats and violence from parents or relatives.
Can you imagine that staff can report anonymously?
It's a fairly broad assignment where the investigator has the opportunity to return with the measures she sees as necessary, says Social Services Minister Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (M).
The government also wants proposals for measures to counteract staff themselves upholding honor norms – and does not rule out dismissals as a measure.
I believe that staff who so blatantly violate the existing legislation, there the employer should consider whether school and preschool are really the right workplace, says Edholm.
Wants to see hijab ban
Patrick Reslow, education policy spokesperson for SD, would like to see proposals for a hijab ban.
If you come to a school and meet staff who wear hijabs, which we consider to be an expression of honor culture, then it's problematic. Just like they did in France, we think you should introduce a general ban on hijabs. It's not included in the directives, but the investigator is fairly free to propose measures within the framework, adds Lotta Edholm.
Advocate Rebecca Lagh has been appointed as the investigator. The work is expected to be completed by August next year.