Living in Sweden
Lotta Edholm
"New Proposals Aim to Slash Teacher Admin Tasks and Boost Classroom Time"
Fewer development conversations, rule simplifications, and reduced documentation requirements. These are some of the proposals to clear up the teachers' time-consuming peripheral tasks.
The Goal: More Students Keeping Up Longer
Full focus on learning to read and count properly. More emphasis on facts and less on analysis.
Investigate Special Class for Disruptive Students
The Liberals want to investigate whether smaller special classes, previously called obs-classes, should be introduced again. .
V and MP: The fundamental problem is the market school
The government's investigator wants to scrap the F-grade and see a grading scale with ten steps. The Left Party appreciates the proposals, but believes that the fundamental problem remains.
The grade F can be scrapped – final exams are introduced
In a few years, students may receive grades on a new ten-point scale, without today's harsh F as failed. Moreover, national tests will have greater weight – the results of special final exams will be included in the final grade.
The Liberals want more residence bans around schools
The Liberals want more people than today to be prohibited from staying near schools. People who recruit children to commit crimes are like hungry wolves, without any form of empathy.
The Risbergska had a locking system – that wasn't used
The mass murderer in Örebro could unhindered enter Campus Risbergska before he started shooting. There is an access control system at the school – which is not used, reports P4 Örebro.
Only the Right People Should Have Guns
The Government and the Sweden Democrats are moving forward with proposals to tighten the gun laws. We want to ensure that only the right people have weapons, says Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson to TT.
The Minister wants to see locked schools after the mass murder
Minister of Education Lotta Edholm (L) wants to see locked schools after the act in Örebro. That far did not go the investigation that lies on the government's table.
Investigation: Mother Tongue Does Not Harm Integration
There is nothing that suggests that mother tongue education affects integration or knowledge development negatively. Therefore, the government's investigator does not propose any suggestions for changing it.
More discipline to reduce chaos in schools
The Government is worried about the chaos in school. Now, clearer disciplinary measures are being proposed.
The Government Calls for Crisis Meeting on School
The number of reports of threats and violence in school has increased by 150 percent over the last ten years. Now, Education Minister Lotta Edholm (The Liberals) is calling on authorities, trade unions, and employer organizations to a crisis meeting on safety in school.
Reports of violence in elementary school increase sharply
The number of reports of violence in elementary and middle school is increasing sharply, reports SVT with reference to figures from the Work Environment Authority. .
The Minister Explodes: School Not a Service Institution
That parents use lawyers to exert pressure on teachers in school constitutes an unacceptable development, believes Education Minister Lotta Edholm (L). "Teachers should not have to endure threats, pressure and unreasonable demands from parents," she says.
300 Million Extra for Books in School
The government grant for purchasing books in schools is increased by 300 million kronor next year – to 480 million. The government is thereby continuing its investment in increased reading time and reduced screen time.
Investigator wants to try out extra tuition
Supplementary teaching is to be provided on a trial basis to pupils in half-classes or to a selection of pupils who are deemed to need more support, writes the government's investigator Pontus Bäckström on Dagens Nyheter's debate page. .
Proposal: Simplify Information Sharing about Children at Risk
To strengthen security in school, the police and social services will be allowed to share information about students who are criminals or are at risk of becoming so, according to a new investigation. .
Despite Guarantee of Support, Students Perform Worse
Despite the fact that the youngest students have been guaranteed early support in Swedish and mathematics for several years, the proportion of students receiving support has not increased. Moreover, the results in the national tests have decreased, according to the School Inspectorate.
Pehrson: "Positive message with a bitter aftertaste"
Swedish students have improved their results in mathematics according to the knowledge measurement Timss. But the measurement also indicates that the Swedish school has not become better at compensating for students' different social backgrounds.
Stricter requirements result in fewer new teacher students
All those who want to become teachers in the future must have at least a C grade in Swedish. Prospective preschool teachers must have at least a D grade, according to the investigative proposal that the government is now receiving.
The Government: This is What Children Should Read in School
From Astrid Lindgren's classics to contemporary authors such as Nora Khalil and Ann-Helén Laestadius. Now, the National Agency for Education and the Arts Council are presenting the reading lists with 250 works of fiction that have been developed to support teachers.
Hundreds of millions for emergency schools – stand empty
The Government is investing hundreds of millions on emergency schools for unruly students – despite this, every fourth school stands empty, reports SR P4. .
The parties behind the Tidö agreement want a cap on the size of children's groups.
The Government and the Sweden Democrats want stricter rules for how large childcare groups in preschools can be, as well as how high the staff density should be. Now, both this and a compulsory language preschool will be investigated.
"Being able to scroll on Tiktok is not IT competence"
Less screen time is not the solution to Swedish teenagers' gaps in IT skills. The screens should be used in a different way.
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