Living in Sweden
Camilla Waltersson Grönvall
Time to Wake Up: A New Strategy Against Mental Illness
Mental illness is a question for the entire society and not just for healthcare. It's time for Sweden to wake up, says Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party) about the government's new strategy.
Cooperation for new HVB placements: "Can't wait"
The Government assigns SKR the task of helping municipalities find new and better adapted HVB placements. As more and more HVB homes are being shut down, new placements are needed for children and young people living in these homes, says Social Services Minister Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party).
The Mission to Sis: Strengthen Security Work
The National Board of Institutions, Sis, is commissioned by the government to strengthen security work to prevent gang criminals from recruiting children at Sis homes. .
Residential care homes remain open – despite police warnings
The Health and Care Inspectorate (Ivo) has this year closed 16 residential care homes for young people. However, the majority of homes that the police have alerted about are still open, reports Ekot.
The Minister on Ivo Alarm: "Municipal Responsibility"
Thousands of children with, among other things, abuse and gang problems are forced to wait for months every year for already approved support measures. Very serious, says the Minister for Social Affairs – who places the main responsibility on the municipalities.
Extended Time for Adoption Investigation
In late November, the Adoption Commission had to go out and deny reports that it was considering proposals to ban international adoptions. Now, the government is giving the investigators extended time.
The Minister on Threats: Very Alarming
That four out of ten social secretaries have been exposed to threats or violence strikes at democracy, says Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (M). It is very alarming, she says and opens up for talks with the trade unions about the situation.
"No More Violence Against Children - The Princess Spoke at the UN"
Curious, resilient and brave. These are qualities that we must protect in every child.
Proposal: Children Can Be Electronically Tagged Against Parents' Will
The Social Welfare Committee is proposed to be allowed to decide on electronic ankle tags for children who have turned 15, in order to prevent them from being drawn into criminality. It should not be seen as a punishment.
Social Services Should Seek Out Young Criminals
The Social Services shall be required to actively work to prevent crime among children and young people. This is evident from a new legislative proposal from the government and The Moderate Party.
Proposal: Ankle Tag and Body Search at Sis
Football, entrance controls and extended opportunities for body and room searches are proposed for the supervision of children and young people at Sis-homes. These are new tools that have really been needed in Sis' toolbox for a long time, says Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party).
Young people in SiS homes to be locked in at night
Young people at Sis-homes are to be locked in at night if it is necessary for order and safety. But among others, the Children's Ombudsman is critical.
Camilla Waltersson Grönvall: All HVB Homes to be Inspected
The Government assigns Ivo the task of intensifying the supervision of HVB homes after this summer's alarm that some homes are run by criminals. We must work intensively to ensure that these operations are shut down, says Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party).
Million-Dollar Investment to Shorten BUP Queues
The Government wants to strengthen the work on mental health and suicide prevention. In the budget, a investment of 1.
The new government will hold for two terms
Jessica Rosencrantz and Benjamin Dousa take their places in Ulf Kristersson's government – and several existing ministers get new roles. As team leader, I want to build a team that can help lead the country at least until 2030, says Ulf Kristersson.
SiS homes strengthened with 700 million
The Government wants to strengthen the closed youth care at SiS-homes with 700 million kronor in 2025. The money is intended to ensure that more young people get a place immediately, that security is strengthened and the living environment is improved.
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