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Edholm: Too Many Charlatans in Swedish Schools

The digitization of the Swedish school system has been poorly thought out. And that Swedish students today have very lacking IT competence is not surprising. This is the opinion of Education Minister Lotta Edholm (L). With great likelihood, these are students who cannot even read, write, or calculate properly.

» Published: November 12 2024

Edholm: Too Many Charlatans in Swedish Schools
Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

The Government has steered education policy in the direction "from screen to book". When the international measurement Icils now shows that four out of ten Swedish eighth-graders are very weak in reviewing and processing digital information, Edholm sees it as a receipt that the Government is on the right track.

It's about going back to basics. Students need to learn to read, write, and count properly before they are exposed to computers.

TT: You say "exposed"?

Yes, it's far too common for children in elementary school to sit in front of tablets. The result is a strong confirmation that we have had a completely unthought-out digitalization in Swedish schools.

Should be the best

The test measures high school students' digital competence, not least when it comes to being able to navigate correctly among information and disinformation.

These are necessary skills. But if you can't read properly, how are you supposed to critically review texts?

Icils also measures students' knowledge in programming, and even there, a large proportion falls below the basic level.

We should be world-leading there. The result, considering all the billions we've pumped in to give students their own computers, is simply not good.

Too many consultants

Icils also points to large result differences depending on students' social background and which school they attend.

This is a strong argument for us to invest more resources in the (weaker) schools, but also that more students need special support early on, says Edholm.

Earlier, the Government has thrown out a proposal for a digitalization strategy for schools in the coming years. The Government wants to see more about the risks of digitalization. It should not be seen as the Government being IT-defensive, according to Edholm.

I would say it's very offensive, considering how digital tools have been used in Swedish schools so far. There have been far too many charlatans and consultants in Swedish schools when it comes to this, says Lotta Edholm.


By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald

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