It was when Fredricson and the horse Alcapone des Carmille were on their way to clear an obstacle that the horse's head hit the obstacle support, causing the entire obstacle to collapse.
The remarkable situation is truly not a common occurrence.
Fredricson, who was on his way to jump over another obstacle, rode on but the fallen obstacle, the course's last one, did not have time to be rebuilt before it was time for the pair to jump over it.
Therefore, the time had to be stopped and Fredricson trotted around the course while the obstacle was rebuilt. The Swede then cleared the final jump, but had already incurred a fault and thus missed the jump-off.
Another Swede, Wilma Hellström, was also in the starting field but she did not have a successful day either. She chose to abandon the ride after incurring eight faults.
The Dutchman Marc Houtzager won the competition on home soil.