To make a long story short: I'll at least play one more day here in New York. If it goes well, I'll be here one more day, says Carlsen in his own chess app
When did you decide?
A couple of hours ago, he answers on Sunday evening.
The Norwegian chess star created a big stir on Saturday when he arrived at the championships dressed in jeans. The organizers didn't appreciate it and demanded a change of pants.
Carlsen refused, was thus out of the championships, and declared full war against the International Chess Federation (Fide).
Now, however, Magnus Carlsen appears to have won a partial victory against the chess federation and announces in the interview that he will continue to play in jeans "on principle".
A statement from Fide's leader Arkadij Dvorkovitsj confirms that Carlsen is welcome back.
"The principle is simple: it is still necessary to follow the official dress code, but elegant minor deviations (which can include suitable jeans that match the jacket) are allowed."