Terror suspect: I'm just an internet warrior
It was cool to watch IS videos and discuss weapon-related things. But no deed was ever planned.
Woman seriously injured in explosion in Tyresö
A woman in her 70s was seriously injured in connection with an explosion in an apartment building in Tyresö, southeast of Stockholm. No one has been arrested.
Report: Several deficiencies within the Security Service
There are several efficiency shortcomings in the Security Service's operations. The government is recommended to monitor the operations more closely.
Want to Check Foreign Connection for Security Jobs
The rules for security clearance need to be clarified, according to the government's investigator. Among other things, connections to foreign countries should be taken into account.
Accused Brothers Deny: "Not Under IS Leadership"
First they swore allegiance to IS, then they prepared attacks in Sweden, according to prosecutor Lars Hedvall. Now the trial against four terror-suspected men begins after Säpo's notable raid in Tyresö.
Record number of people denied citizenship - "security threat"
The Security Service points out an increasing number of security threats among immigrants who want to become Swedish citizens. Last year alone, it concerned 756 cases.
Suspected Terror Brothers' Conversations: Must See Blood
Praise for terrorist murders of Swedes in Brussels and discussions about synagogues as suitable targets. The discussions in an Islamic association's premises in Tyresö were wiretapped by Säpo for months.
The Man with a Knife at Haga Palace is Requested to be Detained
The man who was arrested armed with a knife outside Crown Princess Victoria's residence in Hagaparken is being detained, the prosecutor announces. He is suspected of preparing for aggravated assault and serious violation of the knife law.
Proposal: Abolish Permits for Camera Surveillance
It should no longer be required to obtain a permit for camera surveillance, proposes the Tidö parties in a new legislative proposal. It should also become easier for the police to monitor more areas – including locations where no risk of crime is seen.
Verdict: Correct decision to revoke school permits
The Security Service's information about links to violence-approving extremism in the leadership of four schools was sufficient to revoke the school permits. This is stated by the Administrative Court of Appeal in a ruling.
Brothers charged with terror plans – joined IS
Three young men, including two brothers, are being prosecuted for preparing to commit a terrorist offense after a raid on an Islamic association's premises in Tyresö. The premises were wiretapped by the Security Service, which heard the brothers discussing terrorist plans they allegedly received from IS.
More people to be forced to provide information to the police
More authorities will be forced to share information with the police. This applies to municipalities, regions, schools and a number of government agencies.
Cable Break in the Baltic Sea May Be Sabotage
The cable break in the Baltic Sea is being investigated as suspected sabotage. It is of course potentially very serious, says Carl-Oskar Bohlin (The Moderate Party) Minister for Civil Defence.
"Growing Problem of Gangs Infiltrating Politics"
That criminal gangs infiltrate politics is an increasingly large problem, according to the police and Säpo. They try to exploit every vulnerability, both with insiders and infiltrators, says National Police Commissioner Petra Lundh.
JK warns of laws that could stop Koran burning
The Chancellor of Justice (JK) opposes the proposal that could give the police the opportunity to refuse permits for Quran burnings. JK warns of a disproportionately large restriction on the freedom of assembly.
Suspected data breach by foreign power
A well-known Swedish researcher is suspected of having been subjected to a data breach by a foreign power, reports [Sveriges Radio Ekot](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/misstankt-dataintrang-av-frammande-makt-hos-svensk-forskare).
Proposal: Increased control of job seekers in municipalities
Municipalities should be allowed to perform checks in the criminal record register when someone is employed in, for example, home care or personal assistance, proposes the government's investigator. Even individuals who work in critical positions should be able to be checked.
After Åkesson's Wedding – Security Service to the Committee
The Head of the Security Service, Charlotte von Essen, and the National Police Commissioner, Petra Lundh, have been invited to the Riksdag's Justice Committee to give their view on the infiltration of gang criminals into politics, reports Ekot. The background is that it has emerged that a person who attended Jimmie Åkesson's wedding at the end of September has ties to a criminal motorcycle gang.
Fraud wipes out Studsvik's profit
Nuclear technology company Studsvik reports a loss of 500,000 kronor for the third quarter of the year. This can be compared to the profit of 22.
Terror suspect extradited to Belgium
A 41-year-old man suspected of terrorist crimes abroad has been extradited to Belgium, reports [TV4 News](https://www. tv4.
The Tax Agency stops more due to security reasons
In the past two years, there are more people than before who do not pass the Tax Agency's security checks, reports SR Ekot. .
Shooting at Israeli company linked to Iran
A boy is suspected of the shooting at an Israeli company in Gothenburg on Thursday. The event is linked, according to P4 Gothenburg, to Iran and the previous shootings against Israel's embassy in Stockholm.
Åkesson on the wedding guest: "Didn't know about"
One of the guests at Jimmie Åkesson's (SD) wedding last weekend is the leader of a local motorcycle club that, according to Expressen, has been identified as part of the criminal environment in Sweden. "An honest mistake", Åkesson comments now on X.
SAPO on Terror Suspicions: "Serious Crime"
The Security Service is in close cooperation with the Danish police after two Swedish teenagers were arrested suspected of terrorist crimes in Denmark. .
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