In December 2023, Australian cyclist Melissa Hopkins was found injured by the roadside after a car accident. The injuries were so severe that her life could not be saved at the hospital.
Subsequently, her husband, Rohan Dennis, has been suspected of driving the car and has thus been charged with manslaughter. The suspicions are now being dropped, but despite this, the 34-year-old risks a long prison sentence.
Instead of being prosecuted for manslaughter, the parties met in court to determine that the new charge would be grossly negligent bodily harm. A crime that Dennis also admitted to, reports ABC. When the sentence will be determined is not yet clear.
Both Dennis and Hoskins were successful cyclists for Australia. Dennis has four World Championship gold medals in road cycling during his career, and Hoskins has, among other things, participated in two OS, 2012 and 2016. The couple had two children together.