The organizations are warned by the Ministry of Finance, in a statement on X, that they may lose their license to operate in the country if they do not comply with the request. The Taliban regime wants to stop all women from working for organizations not controlled by the Taliban, according to the statement.
"In the event of lack of cooperation, all activities at the institution will be discontinued and the activity license, granted by the department, will also be revoked", it states in the statement.
The message comes two years after the Taliban urged organizations to terminate the employment of all Afghan women. Then, the Ministry of Finance's argument was that it had received "serious complaints" that the women did not wear the "correct" headscarf. It was not clear whether the rules then applied to all women or only to Afghan women.
Since the Taliban regained power in Afghanistan in 2021, women have almost been completely erased from public life. Among other things, women are not allowed to receive education higher than equivalent to middle school, show their face and raise their voice in public, nor pray in front of others.
The UN has condemned what it calls the Taliban regime's "gender apartheid".