Just over one krona, 1.04, per kilowatt-hour was the average price in February in southern Sweden (electricity area 4), according to the electricity exchange Nord Pool. The last time the price was just over one krona, 1.03 kronor, was in June 2023, but to find a higher price, you have to go back to around the turn of the year 2022/2023.
The average monthly price is the price that most households need to worry about. The majority of Swedes have variable electricity price agreements, based on the monthly price.
Turnaround coming
In electricity area 3 (Svealand and northern Götaland), the February price landed at 77 öre/kWh, the highest since January 2024. In Norrland, the price picture is, as usual, completely different. The February notation landed at 13-15 öre, a price that is relatively normal over time.
But several signs point to the fact that even southerners can look forward to significantly lower prices ahead. The price has been falling in recent weeks. Spring with warmer weather has already arrived, there are higher levels in the water reservoirs than normal, and gas prices, which govern the electricity price on the continent, have fallen in recent weeks. The gas price is now ten percent lower than at the turn of the year. Moreover, the Nordic nuclear power is operating at full capacity.
Above that, the sun is rising higher in the sky.
The sun is pressing the price
"We are entering a period with falling consumption at the same time as solar power is slowly starting to make itself felt with increasingly pressed prices during lunch/afternoon, just like last year", says Johan Sigvardsson in a written comment to TT.
The price setting going forward in time, on Nasdaq's power exchange, has fallen in recent times and now indicates a Nordic system price of around 25 öre/kWh during the second quarter. In southernmost Sweden, it usually means higher prices than that, but still clearly lower than what has applied so far this year.
In addition to the stock market price, electricity tax, VAT, and grid fee of over one krona per kWh are added to the electricity bill.