On Wednesday, the electricity price will temporarily be under a few hours in the late afternoon 167 times higher in Svealand and Götaland (electricity area 3 and 4) than in Norrland, according to the pricing on the electricity exchange Nord Pool.
Even the average price over the entire Wednesday day varies significantly. In the two southern electricity areas, electricity costs 2.28 and 2.63 kronor per kWh, respectively, the most expensive in southern Sweden. In Norrland, the daily price lands on 2-3 öre.
The explanation is found in Germany, says Johan Sigvardsson, analyst at Brixia:
Germany is very dependent on wind power and tomorrow, Wednesday, there will be extremely little wind in Germany. When you don't have any cheap production, it must be replaced, and then we in Sweden are drained via the export cables, he says.
However, it is expected to get even worse on Thursday when the price is expected to rise even more.
It can be a couple of days here and there, says Johan Sigvardsson about how it will look like in the near future.
Even on Tuesday, the patterns are the same, although not quite as large. On Tuesday evening, the electricity price is minus in southern and central Norrland, while the cost of electricity is around 2 kronor per kilowatt-hour in the southern half of the country.
In addition to the stock market price, the electricity companies' surcharges, electricity tax, VAT, and electricity network fee of over one krona per kWh are added.