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"Couch Critics" Trigger Keyyo and Törnblom

Edvin Törnblom and Keyyo have the same vision – they want to lead a Melodifestivalen for everyone. We have a broad frame of reference despite our age and can get very Mello-nostalgic. No viewer should feel left out, says Keyyo to TT.

» Published: January 27 2025

"Couch Critics" Trigger Keyyo and Törnblom
Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

There are only days left until the first round of Melodifestivalen in Luleå on Saturday. Hosts Edvin Törnblom, 28, and Kristina "Keyyo" Petrushina, 27, are preparing full speed ahead for the six-week tour – and they're in good shape.

It's great! We're having fun and looking forward to getting started. Right now, there's more excitement than nerves, says Edvin Törnblom.

It's so sick that we get to be a part of this. I easily get caught up in a performance bubble and get overwhelmed by how much needs to be done. Then it's about finding a new perspective and remembering what an honor this is, says Keyyo.

A Shared Vision

The two hosts have not worked together on TV before, but they have a clear shared vision of how they want this year's Melodifestivalen to be.

I and Keyyo are very similar in many ways, and we have exactly the same vision for the program. We've wanted to do the same thing from the start, says Edvin Törnblom, and Keyyo adds:

We're relatively young in hosting terms, but we both have an enormous love for Melodifestivalen. I think we can surprise people with our broad frame of reference despite our age and can get very nostalgic about Melodifestivalen. All 70-, 80-, and 60-year-olds should be included, no viewer should feel left out!

Reaching out to everyone is a challenge that the hosting duo really wants to overcome. They compare the challenge to organizing a home party, where you need to find snacks that appeal to everyone and play music that everyone likes.

It's Sweden's party, and we really hope that everyone finds something to like. But it's also six contestants per round, and it's all about them. Our hosting is just the icing on the cake, says Törnblom.

Preparing Themselves

But the biggest challenge will probably be the enormous wave of "sofa opinions" that usually follows Melodifestivalen, the duo believes.

I love to have opinions myself, and when it comes to Melodifestivalen, I always think a lot. It's about preparing ourselves for the opinions, but it's also part of the excitement and charm, says Edvin Törnblom.

Which outfit in Melodifestivalen's history beats all others?

Edvin: "Carola's outfit when she did 'Evighet' in 2006. It's my favorite number ever! The midnight blue pants with a flowy top, it's so typically Melodifestivalen in some way, even though it's just pants and a blouse!"

Keyyo: "In the end, I always land on Lill Lindfors' pants that became a dress, even though she wasn't competing. I can watch it over and over again."

Which artist would you most have liked to be – if it were physically possible?

Edvin and Keyyo: "Loreen. Every day of the week. I mean, that stamina and that voice and the will to do a great number. Hard to find."

Which Melodifestivalen song throughout history has had the greatest "earworm effect" – for better or worse?

Edvin: "I love Lili and Susie's 'Show me heaven' from 2009. 'Gimme, gimme, gimme, lalala', I listen to it very often."

Keyyo: "It becomes a goodie that maybe not many know: Uffe Persson's 'Nästa weekend'.

Who/which is the best host/host duo of all time?

Edvin and Keyyo: "Us, of course! No, but seriously, there are so many! Petra Mede, Kristian Luuk, Måns Zelmerlöw, and Gina and Sarah and Helena, of course."

What three ingredients are required to win Melodifestivalen?

Edvin: "Thomas G:son, haha! A good song! Key change! No, but seriously, high level, a good number, and something unique."

Keyyo: "In Sweden, we're a bit spoiled by the Swedish music wonder, so I don't think we'll let anything mediocre through."



By TTThis article has been altered and translated by Sweden Herald
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