Rawa Majid
Swedish Court Upholds Record Sentence for Teen in Triple Murder Case
The boy shot and killed three people and injured two by gunfire within a 24-hour period in Västberga and Tullinge in the autumn of 2023. The Supreme Court now announces that it will not take up the case for review.
USA imposes sanctions on Foxtrot and Majid
The USA is introducing sanctions against the Foxtrot network and its wanted leader Rawa Majid. Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (The Moderate Party) welcomes the announcement.
Gang leader Ismail Abdo suspected of involvement in shooting
The gang leader Ismail Abdo, known as "Jordgubben", is suspected of being involved in a murder attempt in Malmö in the summer of 2024. He was requested to be detained in his absence, but the district court rejected the prosecutor's request, writes [SVT](https://www.
Foxtrot Leader Rawa Majid Suspected of New Crimes
The gang leader of the so-called Foxtrot network, Rawa Majid, has been requested to be detained, suspected of instigation to murder and instigation to attempted murder, reports [Aftonbladet](https://www. aftonbladet.
Bomb attack in Bro - three Foxtrot men at the address
One person was lightly injured in tonight's bombing of a multi-family house in Bro. Three men who have had close ties to Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid are registered at the address, where there have been two previous explosions.
Murder victims were randomly selected – four get life imprisonment
Three young men and a woman receive life imprisonment for two shootings in the Stockholm area in the autumn of 2023, when one man died and one was severely injured. The deeds are linked to the internal Foxtrot conflict, but none of the victims had anything to do with the matter.
Five Sentenced for Serious Drug Offenses
Five people are convicted in Södertörn's district court for extremely aggravated drug offenses, aggravated drug offenses, aggravated drug smuggling, and accessory to aggravated drug smuggling. A 26-year-old man, who according to information is close to Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid, is sentenced to 12 years in prison for extremely aggravated drug offenses, attempted extremely aggravated drug offenses, and aggravated drug smuggling.
Boy Sentenced – Wanted to be Liked by the Kurdish Fox
A 16-year-old boy wanted to be liked by Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid and took on a murder assignment. Now he is sentenced to youth supervision for preparation for murder, reports SVT Skåne.
Swedes sentenced for murder of Swede in Sarajevo
Three Swedes are sentenced to ten years in prison each for a murder in Bosnia's capital Sarajevo last autumn, reports Barometern and [P4 Kalmar](https://sverigesradio. se/artikel/svenskar-doms-till-fangelse-for-mord-i-sarajevo), citing Bosnian media.
Life imprisonment for bomb that killed young woman
A 24-year-old woman died when a bomb detonated outside her residence in Fullerö on an early autumn morning last year. Two people are now sentenced to life imprisonment after the murder and two other powerful explosions.
Gang leader's prosecutor cousin convicted of secrecy violation
A prosecutor who is a cousin of the gang leader Ismail Abdo is convicted of having shared confidential information with his siblings on two occasions. The sentence is 50 day fines.
Allegations: Swedes would blow up Finnish motorcycle club
A Bandidos club in Tampere, Finland, was to be blown up by a group led by gang leader Ismail "Strawberry" Abdo. This is reported by Finnish [MTV](https://www.
The Prosecutor Denies Crime: "Very Sad"
A prosecutor who is a cousin of the gang leader Ismail Abdo is suspected of having disclosed confidential information to relatives on two occasions. The woman denies any wrongdoing during the trial.
The SD does not support "liquidating" gang leaders
The EU parliamentarian Charlie Weimers (SD) wants to "liquidate" the Swedish gang leader, Rawa Majid, abroad. But SD is hitting back at the outburst.
The Terror Expert: "Easy for Iran to Exploit"
The two Swedes suspected of terrorist crimes in Denmark may not themselves know the motive behind the act, according to experts. Now they risk long prison sentences.
Swedes suspected of terrorist crimes in Copenhagen
The two Swedish teenagers who have been arrested in Denmark for the explosion at Israel's embassy in Copenhagen are suspected of terrorist crimes, writes the Copenhagen police on X. .
Security Chief: Iran May Have Been Involved in the Attacks
Iran may have been involved in the attacks on Israel's embassies in Stockholm and Copenhagen, according to Säpo. There are some indications that it could be the case, partly based on target selection and modus operandi, says Säpo's operational chief Fredrik Hallström.
"Allegations: 'The Strawberry's' right-hand man arrested"
A gang leader suspected of playing a crucial role in an ongoing conflict in Denmark has been arrested in Dubai. The man is, according to SVT News, one of the closest associates of the wanted Swedish gang leader Ismail "Jordgubben" Abdo.
Placed deadly bomb – but denies murder
A young woman died and several people were injured when three powerful bombs exploded within four days in the autumn of 2023. All the acts can be linked to the conflict within the Foxtrot network.
Life imprisonment for the murder of Ismail Abdo's mother
The murder of gang leader Ismail Abdo's mother triggered a long chain of violent revenge actions. Now the murder sentences are being established – life imprisonment and four years of closed youth care, respectively – for a 20-year-old and a 16-year-old, announces the Svea Court of Appeal.
Boy arrested armed on his way to Israel's embassy - sentenced
Two nights in a row in May, armed boys were arrested who seem to have had their sights set on the Israeli embassy. Israel accuses Iran, which according to Säpo hires Swedish gangs to commit crimes on Swedish soil.
Life Sentence Confirmed for Murder of Gang Member's Father
The father of a gang criminal was shot dead in his home in Tullinge outside Stockholm last March. Now, a life sentence has been confirmed against a 19-year-old man, announces the Svea Court of Appeal.
Three shot dead in their homes – 17-year-old prosecuted
Two women and a man are shot dead within a day in their homes in southern Stockholm. Now, a 17-year-old boy is charged with the three murders and a 15-year-old is charged with incitement.
Swedish gangs as intermediaries for Iran – this is what has happened
The criminal networks Foxtrot and Rumba have carried out an act against Israel's embassy in Stockholm on behalf of Iran, according to Israel's intelligence agency Mossad. The Swedish Security Service Säpo has confirmed that Iran is using Swedish gangs as intermediaries.
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