Living in Sweden
Man Convicted for Harassing Email to Swedish Politician Jan Jönsson
The man expressed himself grossly homophobic about Stockholm City's opposition councillor Jan Jönsson in an email to The Liberals. Now he is being convicted for harassment.
Liberals Push for Stronger State in New Vision Program
The Liberals are practicing self-criticism in a new vision program for the party. Now the freedom party will drive for a stronger state in several areas.
Liberals Push for Ban on Foreign Ownership of Swedish Private Schools
The Liberals want foreign ownership in Swedish private schools to be completely prohibited – with a stop also for owners in other EU countries. .
Complaints to the Parliamentary Ombudsman increase – "there are risks"
The complaints to the Parliamentary Ombudsman (JO) increased significantly last year. The largest increase is in the criminal justice and migration areas.
Sweden Allocates Another Billion to Ukraine
Sweden is increasing aid to Ukraine by 1. 4 billion kronor.
SD Top Wants to See L in Government in 2026
The Sweden Democrats' Henrik Vinge, chairman of the Riksdag's Justice Committee, wants and believes that The Liberals will sit in government with the Sweden Democrats after the 2026 election. If the Tidö parties receive voters' support again.
Andersson: "Important First Step towards Peace Agreement"
A crucial first step towards a peace agreement. This is how S-leader Magdalena Andersson describes Sunday's top meeting in London.
The Government wants more people to pay for interpreter assistance
The Government and SD are appointing an inquiry into when and how individuals in Sweden should pay for interpreters in meetings with authorities. However, within healthcare and the judicial system, several exceptions will be reviewed.
"Dadgostar: A Tragic End"
"A tragic end", says Nooshi Dadgostar. "Surprised it lasted so long", writes Jimmie Åkesson.
Investigate Special Class for Disruptive Students
The Liberals want to investigate whether smaller special classes, previously called obs-classes, should be introduced again. .
The Liberals want more residence bans around schools
The Liberals want more people than today to be prohibited from staying near schools. People who recruit children to commit crimes are like hungry wolves, without any form of empathy.
The King: Sorrow and Dismay
King Carl Gustaf states in a statement that he is dismayed by today's events and sends his condolences to the families of the victims, after the fatal shooting in Örebro where around ten people lost their lives. .
Dadgostar wants party leader talks about the violence
The Left Party wants the Prime Minister to invite the other parties to talks about the violence development in Sweden. We have a crisis situation, says the Left leader Nooshi Dadgostar.
Every third Swede wants to ban Tiktok
34 percent of Swedes want to ban Tiktok. This is shown by a Novus survey, which was conducted on behalf of TV4 News.
The Christian Democrats open up to sitting in government with the Sweden Democrats
The Christian Democrats have changed a motion so that it becomes possible to cooperate with the Sweden Democrats in a government. We have rephrased the paragraph, says Assistant Party Secretary Erik Nilsson (CD) to TT.
Time to Wake Up: A New Strategy Against Mental Illness
Mental illness is a question for the entire society and not just for healthcare. It's time for Sweden to wake up, says Minister for Social Affairs Camilla Waltersson Grönvall (The Moderate Party) about the government's new strategy.
Canada's Justin Trudeau Resigns
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is stepping down – when a replacement has been found. He says this at a press conference in Ottawa.
Fateful Crossroads in Politics Await 2025
Security policy and nuclear power continue to be in focus in politics this year. And one party "stands before a fateful crossroads", according to political scientist Jonas Hinnfors.
Tsunami Scandals – Secret Ties and Theater
The chaos, the criticism, the commission. The Swedish government's actions during the tsunami disaster were condemned from several quarters.
The Moderate Party also wants to abolish the F grade
The Moderate Party is also shifting its stance on the F-grade issue and wants it abolished, reports SVT News. We see that today's grading system is not fair, says Josefin Malmqvist (M), education policy spokesperson.
The Christian Democrats want to abolish the F grade
The Christian Democrats want to abolish the grade F, as it excludes many students from upper secondary school. Instead, they want to introduce more qualification levels and more grade steps below the pass threshold.
New Government in Iceland – Women in Majority
The Icelandic Social Democrats' leader Kristrún Frostadóttir has presented her government on Saturday. .
She is to form a government in Iceland
The Icelandic Social Democrats' leader Kristrún Frostadóttir is allowed to form a government after the weekend's election victory. Iceland's President Halla Tómasdóttir has given her the formal exploratory mandate, reports public service company Rúv.
The Moderate Party increases – The Left Party declines
The Left Party is backing down while The Moderate Party is moving forward according to an opinion poll conducted by Indikator opinion on behalf of SR Ekot. .
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