Several tremors have occurred in Malmberget in Gällivare municipality over the weekend. On Saturday, four larger seismic events were registered, and on Sunday morning, another tremor occurred.
Right now, there is a lot of seismic activity in Malmberget, says Anders Lindberg, press chief at LKAB, to TT.
The tremors are due to settlements in the mine. After the seismic events, some areas in the mine have been closed. When they can be reopened is unclear.
The strongest of the weekend's tremors, which occurred at around 18:00 on Saturday, had a magnitude of 2.51, according to LKAB's local scale. On social media, residents of Malmberget are testifying to discomfort and anger.
It was absolutely the worst tremor. Previously, I haven't been scared, but now I was, says Päivi Kääriä to Norrbottens-Kuriren and Norrländska Socialdemokraten.
The largest event that LKAB has registered in the Malmfälts area so far measured 2.9.