Living in Sweden
Persson Warns of US Turning Away from Europe and Its Implications
It is very strange that a "loser" like President Putin gets to set the agenda, believes former Prime Minister Göran Persson (S). There is an American debate that I don't quite understand – that it's Nato's fault that it has turned out this way, says Persson about Russia's war in Ukraine.
Vandalism Strikes LKAB Again: 18 Rescue Chambers Sabotaged in Kiruna
Once again, LKAB in Kiruna has been subjected to vandalism, writes Svenska Dagbladet. The mining company has previously been subjected to vandalism, which has been investigated by Säpo, among other things.
Successful test project for storing hydrogen
The test project for storing fossil-free hydrogen in large rock caverns has been technically proven to work. The pilot project is now completed and reported to the Energy Agency, according to Vattenfall, which together with SSAB and LKAB is driving the so-called Hybrit project, which aims to produce fossil-free steel.
The Centre Party wants to attract rural voters with new policies
The Centre Party is introducing new policies to win back rural voters. Away from traditional agricultural policy to a focus on welfare.
SSAB sells operations
The listed steel company SSAB, which the Swedish state owns 16 percent of through LKAB, is planning to sell its operations in Virsbo in Surahammar municipality. The buyer is the US-based company Jennmar, according to a press release.
Half a Billion for Repair of the Ore Railway
More than half a billion kronor was the cost of the Swedish Transport Administration's extensive repair of the Malmbanan railway in the Kiruna Mountains after a train derailment last winter, reports Ekot. .
Alarms: Environmental Requirements Threaten Sweden's Green Metals
Sweden's large deposits of critical metals are an important piece of the puzzle in the EU's green transition – but today's regulatory framework threatens the extraction. Now, the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) is sounding the alarm to the government.
Setback for LKAB – new facility in Luleå
Lower deliveries, weak production, and falling market prices are hitting the state-owned mining company LKAB hard, according to an interim report. But they are still investing heavily in a new center and a processing plant in Luleå.
The Iron Slurper LKAB is Braking the Green Transition
It will be necessary to have significantly less electricity production in the north than previously calculated. This since the state-owned mining giant LKAB is putting the brakes on the transition to fossil-free iron ore in Kiruna.
New tremor shook Malmberget
Several tremors have occurred in Malmberget in Gällivare municipality over the weekend. On Saturday, four larger seismic events were registered, and on Sunday morning, another tremor occurred.
Armed person broke into LKAB
An armed and masked person broke into the mining company LKAB in Kiruna during the night against Thursday. The person managed to get into the drilling rig at the Per Geijer deposit, where LKAB is conducting exploration drilling, and showed themselves to the personnel on site.
Shutdown in LKAB's pellet factory after accident
The state-owned mining company LKAB's pellet plant in Svappavaara will be shut down for at least three weeks after a major accident on Sunday evening, reports [Di. se](https://www.
LKAB replaces buildings in Kiruna
Due to the mining activities and urban transformation in Kiruna, LKAB and the Municipality of Kiruna are initiating a dialogue on how the large mining company will replace several buildings in the city that are affected by the operations. Among other things, the agreement includes the sports hall, two schools, and the water tower.
Music House in Kiruna Threatened – Relocation Funds Gone
The Music Association Tusen Toner in Kiruna may lose its music house in the ongoing urban transformation, reports Kulturnytt on Swedish Radio. .
LKAB Faces Harsh Criticism after Fatal Accident in Mine
The Work Environment Authority criticizes LKAB after a fatal accident in the Kiruna mine in May, when a man died after being crushed by a hatch and then falling from a scaffolding. The criticism concerns deficiencies in seven different areas.
Fire at Mine Extinguished
The fire at LKAB's mining facility in Svappavaara has been extinguished, the police report. The roof of a pellet plant above ground caught fire just before 6 pm on Friday.
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