The Tiktok account Storstadspojkarna went viral in 2023. In expensive down jackets and sunglasses, three young guys are seen walking around and dancing – to the tunes of Kent's song "Pärlor". They claim that Kent's music is "grisch", a modern variant of "stekare".
When the trio went on stage to play their own song at Kent's official after-party at Berns, they were met with boos and claim that they were pelted with ice cubes and e-cigarettes, so-called "vapes".
"The incident says something about our time. This is not just about a gig. This is about generational clashes, cultural change, and what happens when a new audience embraces something old. We are not here to replace Kent – we are here to open up their music to a new generation", Storstadspojkarna state in a press release.
Oskar Eriksson, who together with William Viking Nordström and Jacob Öhman make up Storstadspojkarna, has previously said that they are convinced that their account has got a new generation to listen to Kent.
In a new Tiktok video, the trio is seen dancing at one of the concerts, with the text "Boo as much as you want, but thanks to us, Kent was reunited".
Kent has three gigs left this week, on the 25th, 26th, and 27th of March.