The former Academy member Lotta Lotass has been criticized for "Rubicon/Issos/Troja" and also been nominated for Swedish Radio's poetry prize for the poetry collection.
Now, she has been selected together with Andrzej Tichy to represent Sweden in the competition for the Nordic Council's Literature Prize. Tichy, who has been nominated several times before, is participating this year with the novel "The Event Book".
Among other nominees are the Danish author Claus Beck-Nielsen's alter ego Madame Nielsen's "Death Register", the Finland-Swedish Milja Sarkola's "My Psychiatrist" and the Icelandic Eirikur Örn Nordahl's "Natural Lawsuit".
The winner will be announced on October 21 and the prize amount is 300,000 Danish kronor. Last year, the prize went to the Norwegian author Nils Fredrik Dahl for the novel "My Father's Back".