The first time Nils-Åke Hasselmark was awarded the radio's poetry prize was in 1985, then for his collected production. Now it is the poetry collection "Ingenmans strand" that has formed the basis for him receiving the prize.
"Equally shimmering hopeful as pessimistic, Nils-Åke Hasselmark in 'Ingenmans strand' carves out a perceptive way of living in the shadow of death", writes the jury in their motivation.
Hasselmark, who debuted in 1957 with the poetry collection "Dikter över en brusten trädgård", says in a press release that he is honored to receive the prize.
"It is a very fine prize – and also fine to receive it at this age."
Swedish Radio's poetry prize, which is the oldest poetry prize in Sweden, was awarded last year to Judith Kiros. The prize amount is 30,000 kronor.