According to Journalisten, a digital staff meeting was held on Wednesday at Aftonbladet, where Schibsted's CEO Siv Juvik Tveitnes informed about the cutbacks. However, Aftonbladet's journalist club has not yet been told how many jobs are affected, says club chairman Cecilia Vaccari to TT.
There is certainly a thought, but it has not been negotiated with us yet, she says.
Impacts differently
The savings will impact differently on different companies, she explains. Schibsted explains the situation by saying that the group has too high central costs for the slightly smaller group that remains after leaving the stock exchange.
According to Cecilia Vaccari, Aftonbladet's publisher Lotta Folcker has been proactive ahead of an expected redundancy requirement.
We hope to resolve this through voluntary departures, says Cecilia Vaccari.
An offer of severance pay will also be made to those affected by the reorganization, writes Journalisten.
The plan is to have the new organization ready to present in mid-February.
"Demanding period"
The club chairman of Norwegian VG, Jostein Matre, sent out a message to colleagues last week about an "demanding period" ahead, writes Norwegian Journalisten. He also gave them the advice to already start thinking about "if there is a life outside VG".
Schibsted Media includes, among others, VG, Aftenposten, Bergens Tidende, Stavanger Aftenblad, and E24 in Norway. The group also owns the podcast platform Podme, Omni,, and a number of other companies. The group has 2,800 employees in Sweden and Norway.