Living in Sweden
Magdalena Andersson
Sweden needs a new security analysis
The Social Democratic Party leader Magdalena Andersson believes that Sweden needs to make a new security policy analysis. It needs to happen quickly, she says.
Andersson on the US's demands: Extremely provocative
Sweden must set clear demands on the USA to allow the EU to participate in the upcoming peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, says S leader Magdalena Andersson. Foreign Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) accuses her of "scoring cheap domestic political points".
Sweden fell silent – for the victims in Örebro
At the main square in Örebro, thousands gathered for an emotional memorial ceremony. On trains, in schools and at workplaces, those who fell victim to the school attack in Örebro were honored with a minute of silence at 12 o'clock.
Food prices are rising: "The government must wake up"
Inflation is rising and food prices are taking off again in January. It's a sign that the government is doing too little, according to Magdalena Andersson (S).
Party leaders in a minute of silence after the school shooting
Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) gathered all the party leaders of the Riksdag today. It is obvious that there are too many weapons in circulation in our country, says S-leader Magdalena Andersson after the meeting.
The King: Sorrow and Dismay
King Carl Gustaf states in a statement that he is dismayed by today's events and sends his condolences to the families of the victims, after the fatal shooting in Örebro where around ten people lost their lives. .
The Social Democrats are demanding more money to stop the wave of violence
Sweden is in a national crisis according to the Social Democrats, who are demanding an extra amending budget to stop the wave of violence. In this situation, money should not stand in the way of the measures that are required, says S leader Magdalena Andersson.
Demirok after the crisis: Don't over-dramatize
The C-leader Muharrem Demirok survived the autumn crisis, but according to critics within the party, the tensions remain. I don't think one should overdramatize the word tensions, he says.
The Center Party leader survived the crisis – tensions remain
The C-leader Muharrem Demirok survived the autumn's storm. But the tensions within the party have not disappeared.
The Social Democrats demand a plan to stop the explosions
The Social Democrats are demanding an action plan by the end of the week from the government to stop the wave of explosions. The Social Democrats also want to fast-track legislation on secret surveillance of children.
The Social Democrats want the state to take greater responsibility for schools
The Social Democrats want the state to regulate the personnel and teacher density in schools, as well as the size of classes. The goal is better education and for teachers to spend less time on administration.
Reporting the S-Leader to the Constitutional Committee
The Moderate Party reports S-leader Magdalena Andersson, formerly among others Finance Minister, to the Constitutional Committee (KU). The party believes that there are question marks surrounding the AP funds' investments in the crisis-stricken battery manufacturer Northvolt.
Clashing over the economy: "Ridiculous"
While the opposition quarrels, the governing parties get things done, claims Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson in a party leader debate. The Social Democratic leader Magdalena Andersson, in turn, criticizes the government's economic policy.
The Social Democrats want a Nordic spy plane
Sweden needs to arm itself stronger against hybrid activities, believes the Social Democrats. Party leader Magdalena Andersson wants the Nordic countries to acquire a joint spy plane.
Magdalena Andersson Injured in Ski Accident
The S-leader Magdalena Andersson has injured herself in a skiing accident in Sälen, reports TV4 News. .
Kristersson: No reason to question the handling
The Prime Minister's security adviser Henrik Landerholm forgot confidential documents at a conference center. He himself says that the events took place "during an intense work period".
Goran Persson on Feldt: "A great politician"
A legendary Social Democrat, the former Finance Minister Kjell-Olof Feldt, has passed away. The former Prime Minister Göran Persson (S) describes him as one of the Social Democrats' most important.
The S-demand: Take Sweden out of the "quagmire"
The S-leader Magdalena Andersson demands that the government take the initiative for a Swedish Draghi report. It was developed by former ECB chief Mario Draghi to strengthen the EU's competitiveness and is a hot topic in Brussels, where Andersson is currently located.
The Social Democrats are Waiting for a Decision on Support for Nuclear Power
The Social Democrats will not provide information, yet, on how they view state support for nuclear power or the future of nuclear power, announces Magdalena Andersson (S) in Ekot's Saturday interview. .
Busch on Electricity Prices: Does Not Rule Out Support
The electricity prices have risen sharply in recent days and among the opposition, there is sharp criticism of the government's handling of the electricity system. Minister for Energy and Industry Ebba Busch (Christian Democrats) does not rule out support to households – but not right now.
Andersson's speech was disrupted by demonstrators
Right in the middle of her Christmas speech, the Social Democratic Party leader Magdalena Andersson was forced to pause when pro-Palestinian demonstrators began shouting. "Free Palestine", they chanted before being quickly removed by security guards and Andersson continued to speak without comment.
Place warning triangle on shrunk packaging
The Social Democrats want to see a warning triangle on shrunk packaging so that consumers are not misled in the store. We want to see a ban on secretly increasing the price by shrinking the packaging, says party leader Magdalena Andersson during a press conference.
Birgitta Dahl Dead
The Social Democrat Birgitta Dahl has passed away after several years of illness. She held ministerial posts in Olof Palme's and Ingvar Carlsson's governments and was Speaker of the Parliament 1994-2002.
The Opposition Demands Clarity on Netanyahu
The opposition demands that the government clarifies that it intends to live up to the International Criminal Court's (ICC) arrest warrant and arrests Israel's prime minister if he comes to Sweden, reports Aftonbladet. .
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