Living in Sweden
New winds on migration – this is what's happening now
The wish list is clear for tougher measures on asylum and migration in the EU. The far-right is rejoicing over "new winds in Europe".
Knife in the Door - How Hooligans Scare Clubs
The demands are increasing for football to distance itself from hooligans who create chaos in the stands. But whoever does it risks serious threats.
The Health Minister: Terrible News
Minister for Health Acko Ankarberg Johansson (KD) reacts strongly to the reports of women who have had their uteruses unnecessarily removed. "A great suffering, of course, and a terrible news to hear for those affected", she says in a written comment.
Double Herring Fishing in the Baltic Sea: "A Death Sentence"
The criticism is severe when the herring and sprat quota is doubled in the central Baltic Sea next year. The sea is on the verge of collapsing, warns former Environment Minister Isabella Lövin (Green Party).
M Analysis after the Election: Must Show Backbone
The Moderate Party has difficulty attracting women and voters in metropolitan areas, according to the party's EU election analysis. "The Moderate Party should show heart, brain, and backbone", is the conclusion in the post-election analysis.
"Forssmed: 'This is not acceptable, it's dangerous'"
Minister for Sports Jakob Forssmed is not satisfied with the clubs' safety work. The scalp protection at the arenas must be improved, and more violent supporters must be banned, he believes.
Nordic battle for herring
Sweden and Finland are facing each other when EU countries are trying to unite on next year's fishing in the Baltic Sea. But in the fight against seals and cormorants, they are in agreement.
Vattenfall is hesitant about wind power project
After the decision to pause the wind power project Kriegers Flak, there is now a risk that Vattenfall will be forced to wait with Kattegatt Syd off Falkenberg as well. This is stated by Vattenfall's CEO Anna Borg.
"Not the strategy we agreed on with the police"
The interest organization Swedish Elite Football (Sef) is critical of the police interrupting the Stockholm derby between Hammarby and Djurgården, which was played out today. It is not the strategy we agreed on with the police, says Secretary-General Johan Lindvall.
"A thorough cultural change is required within football"
After the interrupted Stockholm derby between Hammarby and Djurgården, harsh criticism comes from Sports Minister Jakob Forssmed (KD). "A thorough cultural change is required within football and one must get to grips with these recurring disturbances and violent outbursts", he writes in a comment to Dagens Nyheter.
Five County Governors Registered Outside Their County
County Governors are required to reside in the county residence, but 5 of the country's 21 County Governors are registered at other locations. This is reported by Altinget.
Court stops interpreter fees in Blekinge
There will be no fees for interpreters at doctor's visits in Blekinge. The Administrative Court is now overturning the region's previous decision, citing a lack of legal support.
The Government: We are pushing for low fishing quotas
Rural Affairs Minister Peter Kullgren (Christian Democrats) says that the government is pursuing a restrictive line for fishing in the Baltic Sea when the EU's fisheries ministers meet on Monday. But the opposition is strongly critical and believes that the stock of herring can collapse.
The Government Wants to Ease Building Requirements
Infrastructure and Housing Minister Andreas Carlson (KD) presents two government assignments aimed at increasing competition in the housing market and easing building requirements for renovations. The first assignment targets the Competition Authority and involves mapping price transparency in the building materials market.
Magdalena Andersson dismisses internal criticism: "A minority"
A victory day for The Social Democrats, thinks party leader Magdalena Andersson about Thursday's broad agreement on a balance target in the state's finances. The internal criticism within the party only constitutes a small minority, according to her.
Busch: Lower Electricity Bills This Winter
Minister for Energy Ebba Busch (CD) says that the forecast indicates lower electricity prices in winter – despite the new model for electricity transmission. It's very positive, she says.
Net is set up in parliament after tomato attack
The police presence is increased in the parliament and nets will be set up for parts of the audience stands after activists threw a bag of tomatoes at the foreign minister. This aims to catch objects thrown at the chamber, says Speaker Andreas Norlén to TT.
Ebba Busch: We Must Be Smarter
Sweden needs to be more open to state aid and joint efforts in the EU to protect Swedish business interests, notes Energy and Trade Minister Ebba Busch (KD). However, she still says no to acute funding for Northvolt.
Clash over biker guest: "Bizarre accusations"
Nooshi Dadgostar goes hard at Jimmie Åkesson because a president of a motorcycle gang was at his wedding. The government that holds this under its arms has no credibility, says the V leader in Agenda's party leader debate.
Dadgostar on the government: Are in a different galaxy
After an autumn marked by political scandals, the party leaders clashed in a debate on SVT's Agenda. And they disagreed immediately about taxes and benefits.
Kristersson: Gang connections have not damaged cooperation
There is a great focus on Jimmie Åkesson's (SD) wedding when party leaders meet journalists ahead of Sunday's debate on SVT's Agenda. It concerns the revelation that one of the wedding guests holds a leadership position in the motorcycle gang Comanches, which the police consider a criminal network.
Busch: I wouldn't have gone if I had known
Ebba Busch (Christian Democrats) did not know that a person at Jimmie Åkesson's wedding had ties to a criminal motorcycle gang, she tells journalists. I did not know that and had I known, I would not have been there either, she says.
Northvolt source: 150 million euros secured
Crisis-ridden Northvolt is holding talks with lenders and investors to raise 200 million euros, approximately 2. 3 billion Swedish kronor, according to several media outlets citing the news agency Reuters.
Care for Obesity to be Mapped
The National Board of Health and Welfare is tasked with mapping out how obesity care functions. Over 16 percent of adults have severe overweight, obesity.
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