The demand for winter tires should always apply when winter road conditions prevail, regardless of the time of year, says Infrastructure Minister Andreas Carlson (KD) to Ekot.
Today's rules imply a demand for winter tires from December 1 to March 31 when winter road conditions prevail.
For heavy vehicles, it is proposed to extend the period for winter tires from November 1 to April 15, and a requirement is introduced to carry snow chains.
The purpose is to quickly resolve traffic stops caused by a stationary heavy vehicle, says Andreas Carlson.
In a second alternative, the government proposes to extend the date for the demand for winter tires for all vehicles to apply between November 1 and April 15.
The new rules are proposed to come into effect on November 1 this year.
Corrected: An earlier version contained an incorrect date for the extended period, as well as an incorrect date for when the rules are proposed to come into effect.