After Four Years – Yes to Wind Power in Gävle
The wind farm Utposten 2 gets the green light from Gävle municipality – again. This after four years of applications, appeals and re-examinations, reports Gefle Dagblad.
Sharp criticism of forest proposal: "Under all criticism"
The verdict on the Environmental Goals Committee is harsh – a failure and a disappointment, environmental organizations believe. Even the opposition is critical.
Children receive up to 2,000 kronor for activities
The Government is aiming to introduce the leisure card for children and young people this autumn. Each child will receive a pot that can be used for various activities, for example, at the cultural school and sports clubs.
The Government Classifies Plant Drug as Narcotic
The popular plant-based drug kratom is now being classified as a narcotic by the government, reports P3 News. This follows a proposal from the Public Health Agency earlier this year.
Proposal: Easier to Have an Abortion at Home
Gender-neutral formulations, better opportunity to perform abortions at home and strengthened role for midwives. This is what the government's investigator proposes that the abortion law should be rewritten.
The Government wants to see increased knowledge about post-covid
To increase knowledge and improve care for post-covid in children, the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU) are receiving new assignments, the government announces. "We need a deeper understanding of how post-covid affects children and how we can best provide treatment.
Road Conditions Can Determine Winter Tire Requirements – Not Dates
The Government wants to change the rules for winter tires. In one of the proposals to be sent for consideration, the date limit is completely abolished.
Iran's Foreign Ministry summons Sweden's ambassador over imam
Sweden's ambassador in Tehran has been summoned to Iran's Foreign Ministry since an imam has been detained in Sweden, reports the British-based news site Iran International. .
Minister reported to the Constitutional Committee due to security breaches
Infrastructure and Housing Minister Andreas Carlson (Christian Democrats) is reported to the Constitutional Committee by the Centre Party and the Social Democrats, writes Altinget. .
Mosque pointed out as a threat – imam to be deported
The imam of a larger Shia Muslim congregation in the Stockholm area is to be deported, writes Expressen. .
Busch: "Threat Against Our Free Democracy"
Vice Prime Minister Ebba Busch (CD) compares Salwan Momika's death with the murders of teacher Samuel Paty and Catholic priest Jacques Hamel, who were murdered by Islamist extremists in France. .
Every third Swede wants to ban Tiktok
34 percent of Swedes want to ban Tiktok. This is shown by a Novus survey, which was conducted on behalf of TV4 News.
Half a billion to shorten record-long healthcare queues
500 million kronor is earmarked to shorten the healthcare queues. This is announced by the government and the Sweden Democrats at a press conference.
The Government Gives the Green Light for Mine in Kiruna
The environmental permit was already in place at home. Now, the government has in practice run over Kiruna municipality.
SEK 180 million to mink farmers who shut down
Mink companies that wind up their operations before June 30 this year will receive state support. The decision can contribute to mink breeding in Sweden ceasing entirely, according to the industry organization Swedish Mink.
WWF: Important Forests Threatened by Clear-Cutting
The Swedish and Finnish governments are exploiting loopholes to avoid protecting important primeval and natural forests, claims the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in a new report. If you clear-cut these forests, you will lose the species that exist there, says Peter Roberntz, forest expert at WWF.
Knowledge about cancer care to help dementia patients
The Government wants to see if knowledge and experiences from cancer care can strengthen the care and support of dementia patients. The assignment is presented in connection with the presentation of the developed national dementia strategy.
Healthcare is now the most important issue for voters
Healthcare has surpassed law and order as the most important issue for Swedish voters, according to a new survey conducted by Indikator Opinion for [Ekot in Sveriges Radio](https://www. sverigesradio.
The tech giants take on the EU
With accusations of censorship and tariffs, the US internet giants are at war with the EU. Hold on or back down is the question for the new digital commissioner Henna Virkkunen.
Quick Interventions to Shorten Healthcare Queues
Healthcare queues are longer than ever. Now, an investigation proposes rapid interventions to shorten waiting times for hip, hernia, and cataract operations.
The Government is Relaxing Shoreline Protection
The Government and the Sweden Democrats are easing the coastal protection. It will become easier for private individuals to build near small watercourses and lakes and easier for companies to start operations.
Long healthcare queues a headache for the government
Shorter healthcare queues are a prioritized issue for the government, and especially for the Christian Democrats. When more than half of the term of office has passed, the pressure to show results increases.
The Christian Democrats open up to sitting in government with the Sweden Democrats
The Christian Democrats have changed a motion so that it becomes possible to cooperate with the Sweden Democrats in a government. We have rephrased the paragraph, says Assistant Party Secretary Erik Nilsson (CD) to TT.
Citizenship should be revocable
It should be possible to revoke Swedish citizenship under certain conditions, according to a broad parliamentary majority. But the Tidö parties had wanted to go further and also be able to revoke citizenship for gang criminals.
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