IJustWantToBeCool succeeded again this year. This time, the humor group, consisting of Joel Adolphson, Emil and Victor Beer, took home the prize with "Hjältus tårar" – a book that made the jury "laugh the most" and was simultaneously exciting.
Otherwise, it was historical depictions with a focus on women's fates that became the big winners at the gala held at Cirkus in Stockholm. Katarina Wennstam received the prize in the suspense category for "Död mans kvinna", which takes place at the turn of the last century. And in the feel-good category, it was Ruth Kvarnström-Jones' "Väninnorna på Nordiska Kompaniet" that took home the victory.
In the novel category, the prize went to an international author: Rebecca Yarros with the Booktok phenomenon "Fourth wing". The prize in the youth category was awarded to Mats Strandberg for "Pestblommor", and in the fact category, "För dig ska jag göra allt: om ett barn som inte fick finnas" by Isabella Harbrecht and Malin Sandén was praised.
As usual, the narrators are also included in the prizes – among them Katarina Ewerlöf, who has read in both Wennstam's and Kvarnström's books.