1. Question Lund (SVT1, Tuesday) 942,000
2. Unknown Heir (SVT1, Thursday) 792,000
3. Who Lives Here (SVT1, Monday) 777,000
4. Oldsberg – a Boundless Giant (SVT1, Sunday) 708,000
5. What Life (TV4, Sunday) 704,000
6. Doobidoo (SVT1, Friday) 698,000
7. Best in Test (TV4, Friday) 641,000
8. The Finland-Sweden Athletics International (SVT2, Saturday) 570,000
9. The Week (SVT1, Wednesday) 539,000
10. Athletics: Diamond League (SVT1, Friday) 504,000
Measurement period: 26/8–1/9 2024. No news programs, Sports News, or programs under ten minutes are included on the list.
Source: MMS