The fault remains, but we believe we have found the underlying cause. It is linked to a fault on a firewall that secures the digital infrastructure, says Øystein Stavdal Paulsen, press spokesperson at Bane Nor, which is responsible for the railways in Norway.
Now they are working together with the supplier to try to resolve the fault, but Paulsen cannot say when it will be done.
The most important thing is that the traffic is up and running again, and is operating normally without problems, says Paulsen.
On Christmas Day, a fault occurred in the communication system between train drivers and the traffic control center, causing trains across Norway to come to a standstill.
It wasn't until around 8 pm in the evening that trains on certain stretches began to run again. Minister of Transport John-Ivar Nygård (Ap) apologized for the incident.
It is serious that the trains have been standing still for as long as they have, and I understand the frustration of the passengers, said Nygård (Ap).