Now it's clear which Swedish songs have been selected to represent Sweden in the EU's songbook.
"The contributions show the joy when the light and warmth return and gratitude for what nature gives. The songs are sung at school graduations and weddings as well as at funerals. They belong to the Swedish song and choir tradition," says Kerstin Carpvik, Swedish editor for the EU's songbook, in a press release.
The six Swedish songs are "Så skimrande var aldrig havet" by Evert Taube, "Öppna landskap" by Ulf Lundell, "Änglamark" by Evert Taube, "Uti vår hage" probably by Hugo Lutteman, "En vänlig grönskas rika dräkt" by Waldemar Åhlén and Carl David af Wirsén, and "Idas sommarvisa" by Georg Riedel and Astrid Lindgren.
The work on the songbook has been going on for nine years and consists of six songs each from the 27 EU countries, presented in their original languages and in "European English".
The EU songbook "The EU Songbook" is available for free download as an app throughout the EU.
Corrected: In an earlier version of the text, the wrong composer was stated for "En vänlig grönskas rika dräkt".