The Mc-gang Comanches is classified by the police as a criminal network. This did not prevent a man who is a leader of a division in the club from attending SD-leader Jimmie Åkesson's wedding.
It is both remarkable and worrying, says von Sydow.
She points out that leaders of organized crime gladly want to be seen together with people in powerful positions in society.
One wants to get into the contexts where one gets access to people who both have power and the ability to make different types of decisions, says von Sydow.
That's exactly how one operates. One also legitimizes oneself as a person and wants to give the impression that one cannot be so dangerous since one is part of such contexts.
The Social Circle
She points out that as a police officer, one must learn that one cannot have relationships with just anyone and that one must be careful about who is part of one's social circle.
The same caution and carefulness must be exercised by top politicians and top officials, says von Sydow.
We must understand that it is a different situation in Sweden today with organized crime that operates precisely in this way.
Katharina von Sydow means that top politicians must be aware of the methods of organized crime.
We must understand how serious it is, that it is a methodology and working method they use.
- Everyone who has a position in society needs to pay attention to who they have in their network.
At the Wedding
Can it harm the fight against criminal gangs that a leader was at the wedding?
I absolutely believe that it can harm, says von Sydow.
What do you think your members who work in the field think?
I am completely convinced that they react to this.