The author Faysa Idle receives the newly established prize "Voice of the Year for Girls" from Plan International Sweden, in collaboration with Veckorevyn. The jury emphasizes that she put her own safety at risk "to give a voice to girls in Sweden's suburbs".
Faysa Idle made her debut last autumn with the book "A Word for Blood". In it, she describes her upbringing in a time when gang criminality developed into a war. She has lost family members and friends and herself been a target for gang criminals.
"I wish that every little girl finds the courage in me when she herself does not dare. That I can sneak in and be her inner voice so that she never belittles herself or thinks she is less capable because she is a girl", says Faysa Idle in a press release.
The prize was awarded at the Girl Prize Gala on Monday, where the account Sistjejer was also awarded for fighting for the rights of forcibly cared-for girls.