The actress Sara Sommerfeld is debuting with the novel "Is everything I've learned about love a lie?" in the autumn. The book is presented as an autobiographical novel, where Sara, after a break-up with an Italian boyfriend, travels to Bali, and explores self-hatred, doubt, and her fragile self-esteem.
She takes with her on the journey Elizabeth Gilbert's classic novel "Eat, pray, love".
"The second I finished the last chapter, it hit me, the tears wouldn't stop flowing. The realisation that I today actually feel love for that little Sara inside me landed so strongly. Her, whom I hated for so many years and whom the novel is about", says Sara Sommerfeld in a press release.
This year and next year, her solo show "Show bizniz" will also be touring Sweden, and SVT will be broadcasting the documentary film "Sara's journey" about the performance.