"The Neighborhood Feud" is director Ulf Malmros' first film since 2016. It has been described as a comedy about a neighborhood feud involving a former prime minister.
As so often, there is a sense of Värmland in the film that the Milk-bred Malmros creates. Among other things, through the actors Johan Östling and Björn A Ling participating.
Björn A Ling, formerly Starrin, played the lead role in Malmros' film "The Wedding Photographer" and the two also participated in "Smala Sussie" and "Mamma's Boys".
Tuva Novotny is also on the cast list, according to VF. She has participated in several of Malmros' films, including the lead role in "Smala Sussie".
The film is intended to have its premiere during the fall of 2025.