Jönsson received significant attention when he, in a campaign in June 2023, published pictures of himself dressed as a drag queen and read stories to children. The move was a response to Sweden Democrat criticism of the concept "Drag story hour", where drag show artists read stories to children at libraries.
At the same time, he received many threats and hate afterwards.
The now convicted man has denied that there is a connection between the campaign and the email. However, he has admitted to sending it to The Liberals on the night of November 11, 2023.
In the email, he wrote that "faggot Jönsson can sit on his butt plug and rotate 24/7 the little damn (...) ass. Sick animals usually lie down in a corner and die, can't the little damn (...) do that immediately. Not even his (...) would miss the sick ass".
Not a hate crime
The prosecutor believed it was a hate crime, but the district court does not see that such a motive is proven. On the other hand, it was "ruthless and constitutes a violation of Jan Jönsson's peace in a tangible way".
The man is sentenced to day fines totaling 43,000 kronor. He will also pay 8,000 kronor in damages to Jönsson.
The verdict is the third in order concerning threats and hate against Jönsson, one of which involved three different cases. He is awaiting a trial date for a fourth.
I can notice that the surroundings react sometimes stronger than I do myself. You try to keep it at a distance, but it takes, especially when it comes to one's body or appearance or such things, he says.
The cases that have ended up in court concern issues of LGBTQ people's rights, migration issues, and freedom of speech.
It is a bit significant for our time's conversation climate, that precisely these issues often lead to very hateful and angry rhetoric. We must get away from that, it threatens, fundamentally, both democracy and freedom of speech.
Social trend
He believes that the tone is part of a social trend, where many politicians set a "very bad example".
Then I understand that the general public also think it's free to do so. If you have a political position of trust, you should carry that office with dignity. We must get back to that.
Have you ever received an apology from any of the individuals?
The man who was convicted now is very keen on apologizing and I think that feels good anyway. I can say that it's almost more important than high fines from my side.