"This unique film has a special place in our hearts. Both funny and sometimes heart-wrenching, it's a life-affirming experience that's a must for all ages. We look forward to sharing 'The Last Journey' with an international cinema audience", says Helen Parker, Vice President of Universal Pictures Content Group, in a press release.
The feature-length documentary, which follows the duo as they take Filip's dad Lars on a nostalgic road trip through France, is also Sweden's Oscar entry.
Filip Hammar says in a press release from the Swedish Film Institute that they are grateful and flattered that the film gets the opportunity to travel outside of Sweden.
"When we set out on this journey, we told ourselves that we want to make an uplifting, heartfelt, but also original film where people, when they leave the cinema, pick up their phones and call their mothers or fathers. And I think we succeeded with that."