Approximately 126,000 kronor is the cost of becoming the star's "rower" and assistant for a day. This includes, in addition to helping on stage, among other things a meal with Simmons, a lot of merchandise, photo opportunities, and several meetings with the star.
For the same price, you can also bring a friend, be presented on stage during the concert, and take a signed bass home.
The star is going on tour in April and will then launch their experiences for fans, announces Simmons on their website.
For those who think the price is a bit steep, there is a simpler experience for half the price, where a meeting with the star is included for a total of four people, as well as autographs and a bass to take home.
Last year, Simmons stated that he tried to save money on his tour by traveling simply, having few employees, and only giving small intimate shows, writes Billboard.