The post was published on Sunday along with a picture of porn star Puma Swede's autobiography, but with the title "My Life as a Porn Star" replaced with the text "My Life as a Röglesupporter".
"Join in and write the next chapter in Puman's upcoming book: My Life as a Röglesupporter. Towards a playoff with a 'happy ending'", the supporter club wrote in the post.
Helsingborgs Dagblad then tried to contact the supporter club's chairman, Glenn Petersson, who declined the interview and instead chose to respond by email.
"Since an attempt is being made to spin a narrative around the post that is anything but the intention, which was to be able to joke and lightly attract traffic to our bus trips and get people to sign up for these and thus contribute to the support of Rögle BK, we choose to decline interviews…", Petersson wrote according to HD.
The post has been removed.