According to Expo's report, 1,245 activities were carried out in 2024, which can be compared to 1,172 activities the previous year.
The most common form of activism that we document in our review is also the simplest, putting up stickers or distributing flyers. It is and has always been the most common form, Expo's CEO Daniel Poohl tells TT, adding that this form of activism is nevertheless decreasing.
Thanks largely to the Nordic Resistance Movement, which previously dominated this environment, being on the decline and focusing heavily on this type of activism.
In a historical perspective, the activity in the right-wing extremist environment in Sweden is at a low level, but Expo sees a trend break:
Racism has taken on a new form and is attracting new groups.
The racist ideological environment is growing again, and the main reason for this is that there is a new generation of young people who seem to be interested in primarily violence and who are seeking out this environment. This leads to us having more groups than ever before, not all of them are seeking out the established groups, says Poohl.
Daniel Poohl says that Expo is worried about the development that is taking place.
In line with the political shift, a radicalization is also taking place in this most extreme environment. They must prove why they are relevant and see it as their role to speed up the development. In doing so, they become more welcoming to violence, and that is what the young activists are attracted to. It is worrying that we have a generation of young right-wing extremists who are prone to embracing very extreme ideas, he says.
According to Expo's report, activities within the right-wing extremist environment in 2024 could be linked to a total of 29 different groups, which is the largest number of active groups noted since Expo's documentation began in 2008.
Expo noted right-wing extremist activity in all of the country's counties and in 140 municipalities in 2024. In 18 municipalities, the racist ideological environment had a significant presence, with more than one activity per month on average.
Source: Expo