Sweden will face Australia in the Davis Cup on Friday and Saturday. However, big brother Elias Ymer will not be participating. On Instagram, he writes that he was looking forward to meeting one of the world's best tennis nations, but that he will not be taking part in the match.
"The captain and I had different views on how my preparation should be. I'm sure that with a little flexibility, we could have solved this – it's not really a big deal", he writes.
Ymer continues:
"I know you should respect both sides in a discussion, but in this case, I unfortunately cannot even do that, it's such a low level."
Aspelin tells Expressen that the past week has consisted of several conversations with Ymer and that he is not surprised by the decision.
We really try to accommodate the wishes of the players before a DC match and the days leading up to it when we gather and train together, he says to Expressen.
There are no new rules, just the same rules that the Swedish Davis Cup team has had for a long, long time – which we think are important. It has to do with team dynamics and cohesion. There, we have different opinions.
Mikael Ymer has also been selected for the meeting with Australia, along with Leo Borg, André Göransson, and Filip Bergevi.