Grooms who testify about animal abuse in one of Sweden's largest riding stables for horses and reports of mistreatment of show jumpers by a male elite rider at the highest level. Horses with swollen and discolored tongues – due to oxygen deficiency – when the world elite in dressage compete.
In a series of investigative articles in Aftonbladet, freelance journalist Susanna Nygren has exposed gross misconduct within the equestrian sport in 2024. Now she is named Sport Journalist of the Year by the Swedish Sports Journalists' Association.
"It's been tough"
When I found out I had won the award, tears came to my eyes. I was very, very happy. It's been tough during this investigation, says Susanna Nygren, who is a long-time freelancer for the newspaper.
She extends a big thank you to the grooms who have come forward with their testimonies.
Finally, they dared to talk to me. There has been such an extreme culture of silence within the equestrian sport. If other riders hear that you are one of those who have told, you are branded and cannot get a new job.
What has emerged has stirred strong emotions in the equestrian world where top horses are worth millions of kronor.
It was like a slap in the face for some in the equestrian sport. It's a fairly conservative sport and it was like an attack on those considered the best in the dressage world.
A prerequisite for being able to show how dressage horses are sometimes subjected to painful hard pressure in their mouths during competitions was close-up photos taken by photographer Crispin Parelius Johannessen.
He has dedicated his life to documenting how competition horses are affected. It was not obvious for him to come forward, as he knew what resistance he would face.
Was shut down
The revelations have had some effects. The owner of the training stable has been shut down – the show jumper as well, for a period. Whistleblower functions have been introduced, and it is no longer required in Sweden to have nosebands on the bridle during dressage competitions.
I have absolutely nothing against competitions in dressage, but it must be done in a way that the horse does not suffer, says Susanna Nygren, who herself has ridden since childhood and competed in both show jumping and dressage.
She hopes that more will dare to come forward and tell about misconduct within the industry.
There are more things that should be brought to light, but which I haven't yet found all the evidence for.
"A freelancer who, through in-depth and investigative journalism within the equestrian sport, has forced both suspensions and central rule changes.
Recurring investigations have made "horse welfare" an established concept in our time.
Sport Journalist of the Year 2024 is Susanna Nygren, freelancer, Aftonbladet”.
The winner is chosen by a jury from the Swedish Sports Journalists' Association.
2024: Susanna Nygren, freelancer, Aftonbladet
2023: Johan Esk, DN.
2022: Patrik Brenning, Aftonbladet.
2021: Joel Segerdahl, Discovery.
2020: Anders Bengtsson and Johan Orrenius, Offside.