"For unpredictable poems that move attentively in the field of uncertain seriousness". This is the jury's motivation for Alonzo's prize, which was awarded in Borås on Thursday evening.
Among the nominees for the prize were several notable debutants, including Agri Ismaïl, who recently received the Katapult Prize for "Hyper", and Mattias Timander, who was critically acclaimed for his novel "Your will sits in the forest".
"We have a strong debutant year behind us and it says something about Ali Alonzo's poetry collection. He is a very worthy winner this year as Borås Tidning's debutant prize celebrates 25 years", says Hanna Grahn, cultural editor at Borås Tidning, in a press release.
Borås Tidning's debutant prize, with a prize sum of 150,000 kronor, was first awarded in 2001. The first prize winner was Lotta Lotass and after her, among others, Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Stina Stoor and Marit Kapla have received the prize.